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DBT: Acceptance and Change

Studies indicate that Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is “the best tool we have” for self-harming and suicidal adolescents. So what is it and why is it so effective? DBT teaches important social-emotional and resilience skills for life enhancement. Read more »

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of talk therapy (psychotherapy). It’s based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but it’s specially adapted for people who experience emotions very intensely. Read more »

DBT Skills: The Go-To Treatment for ADD?

Dialectical behavior therapy teaches people to manage their ADHD symptoms using four basic DBT skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Read more »

Executive Function Is the Secret Ingredient to Student Success

Executive function is the mechanism by which our brains manage and prioritize our thoughts, working memory, emotions and actions; Harvard researchers call it our brain’s air traffic control system. Given the incidence of executive function issues in youth, as a byproduct of or co-occurring factor in youth mental health, it is critical for parents and educators to place greater support to help students improve their executive functioning. Read more »

Building Resilience

One of the most important things we can do for our children is to help them develop resilience. A common misconception is that people are either resilient or not; that we’re born one way or the other. In fact, the process of building resilience is a lifelong journey of learning to cope with challenging experiences and adapt well in the face of adversity. Read more »

Resilience Booster: Parent Tip Tool

There is a large body of research supporting the importance of building resilience to help prevent negative consequences of environmental stressors. Read more »

How Parents Can Help Kids Overcome Five Common Friendship Hurdles

You can’t choose your children’s friends, but here’s how you can help them manage five frustrating friendship pitfalls. Read more »

Learners with ADHD: Effective Strategies for Educators

Building a learning environment structured to support learners with ADHD can help boost student confidence and academic achievement.

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ADHD and Me: How to Talk About Your Strengths

A tool to help youth with ADHD discover, appreciate and talk about their many strengths.

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ADHD & Your Child: ADHD Behavior Checklist

Review our ADHD Behavior Checklist for insight into common behaviors of ADHD that may describe your child.

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