CHC Resource Library

CHC Expert Content

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Discussing Accommodations With Your Professor

Even if you set up your accommodations through your Disability Services Office at your college, you should talk to your professor or instructor about your accommodations and your disability.

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Disclosing in the Workplace: Strategies and Tips

You are entitled to accommodations in the workplace if you have a documented disability. This includes learning disabilities and mental health challenges.

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College Transition Checklist

High school juniors and seniors with learning differences and/or mental health challenges should use this College Transition Checklist to prepare for applying to and attending college.

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Fear Of Never Moving Out: Five Ways Parents Can Encourage Young Adults’ Career Success

You’re all set to turn your recent grad’s bedroom into a home office and get your laptop off the kitchen table, but there’s no sign that she and her Coachella posters are in a hurry to move out. Or, maybe your late-twenties son is back home after a job layoff and spends more time on video games than his resume. These conditions are ripe for what I call FONMO: Fear of never moving out. Read more »

Launching Late: How to Help Your Child with Failure to Launch

“Failure to launch” has been used recently to describe grown children who, for one reason or another, aren’t willing or able to leave their family home to pursue their own goals, lead independent lives and become self-sufficient. Read more »

Life Skills for Teens and Healthy Lifestyle Tips [web resource]

An important part of growing up is learning how to take care of yourself.

Set to Go, a collection of tools and information from the JED Foundation, helps you prepare for a successful transition to college. Read more »

Parenting a Young Child with Autism

Sometimes parents don’t want to have their child screened for autism because they are afraid of labels, stigma and limitations. But while overwhelming, diagnosis can also bring support, services and maybe even relief. Read more »

Books About Autism & Neurodiversity for Parents, Young Adults, Teens & Kids

The following selection of books includes resources for parents, young adults, kids, teens and tweens. Read more »

3 Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Many children on the autism spectrum may show developmental differences during their infant and toddlers years, especially in social and language skills. Read more »

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