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Communicating With Your Teen—How to Approach Conversations With Empathy and Understanding

Establishing a connection with your teen is the basis for effectively supporting their mental well-being and social and emotional learning. When we love someone, we are interested in them and in their thoughts and feelings. As your child grows, communication is one way of showing your love and respect for your growing child. Read more »

5 Simple Tips to Help You Have a Real Conversation With Your Teen

Parents often talk about how tough it is to talk to teenagers, how their kids won’t say anything or listen to them. Child and adolescent psychologist, family therapist, and author Shelja Sen shares five essential strategies that can make a huge difference in building a stronger connection. Read more »

10 Strategies to Build Your Anxiety Toolkit

Anxiety can wreck your mental and physical health. These tactics will give you short-term relief and long-term strategies to manage it. Read more »

Digital Anxiety — How Technology and Social Media Makes Us Anxious and What You Can Do About It

Life is unpredictable and anxiety-producing. There’s no doubt that technology and social media have intensified our anxiety, and our lack of in-person connection and interaction, time in nature, and engagement in our communities is creating what some mental health professionals are referring to as “digital anxiety.” Read more »

Social Media & Mental Health

A 2022 Pew Research Center study revealed that nearly 80% of 13-17 year-olds check at least one social media feed at least hourly, and over a third said they did so “almost constantly.” How can we develop healthy social media practices that support, not hinder, our mental health? Read more »

The Best Way to Comfort Someone When They’re Sad

When a friend, partner, family member or co-worker is upset, you’ve probably wondered how best to make them feel better. Let them vent? Offer a chocolate bar? Give them space so they can have a good cry? The ideal approach depends on the person and the context, experts say. But a limited yet growing body of research suggests that one of the most powerful ways to soothe a person’s feelings is to start a conversation. Read more »

Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine

We think we have to push our kids to do more, achieve more, be more. But we’re modeling the wrong traits—like rule-following and caution—and research shows it’s not working. This kind of “Striver” mindset isn’t just making kids unhappier, says Dr. Michele Borba. It’s actually the opposite of what it takes to thrive in the uncertain world ahead. Read more »

10 Things to Know About How Social Media Affects Teens’ Brains

Mitch Prinstein, the chief science officer at the American Psychological Association (APA), spoke to the Senate Judiciary Committee about how social media platforms may impact youth development. NPR distilled it down to 10 useful takeaways. Read more »

Tips for Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens

We all know how the algorithm works—the more you look at your phone, the more it will send compelling content to keep your eyes from looking away. It’s hard to break habits of checking TikTok or Instagram and constantly refreshing to see more, but it’s important to take time away for our mental and physical health. Read more »

The Role Social Media Plays in Mental Health

If you’re spending an excessive amount of time on social media and feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction, frustration, or loneliness are impacting your life, it may be time to re-examine your online habits and find a healthier balance. Read more »

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