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Life Balance for Young Adults

In our fast-paced world, juggling academics, work, community service, and other responsibilities can be overwhelming. This constant juggle can affect your overall health and well-being.

Not having balance in life often results in increased stress that can negatively impact relationships, as well as work and school performance. As you strive for excellence in your work, make sure you include time in your schedule for activities that recharge you. Read more »

Young Adults: It’s Okay to Ask for Help [video] [downloadable]

Entering adulthood can be an emotional time, but sometimes the ups and downs can mean something more. Millions of young adults are living with a mental or substance use disorder and many either do not realize they have one or are not paying attention to the signs and not seeking help.  Read more »

Teen Girls Report Record Levels of Sadness, CDC Finds

Nearly three in five teenage girls felt persistent sadness in 2021, double the rate of boys, and one in three girls seriously considered attempting suicide, according to data released on February 13, 2023, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more »

How to Get the Right IEP or 504 for Your Child’s Learning Disabilities

It can be tough for any parent to get the special education services their kids need, but it’s especially tricky for Black and Hispanic parents. Read more »

9 Tools for Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety

Many tools can help your children work through anxiety. These are strategies licensed mental health clinicians use with people in therapy, and research has found these strategies to be beneficial in treating and managing anxiety. Read more »

Pursue What You Love

We have all heard the phrase, “find a job you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.” But is it really possible? Do we have to choose between happiness and a living wage? What if we’re still figuring out what fulfills us? Read more »

Three Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Passion at Work

As people continue to move around in the Great Resignation, therapist, author and podcast host Esther Perel says job-seekers should keep it simple: “Do something that you’re interested in.” Read more »

How Liking Your Job Will Help You Succeed

Being happy at work and loving what you do is an overall productivity booster and enhances performance. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and better business decisions. Read more »

Three Reasons It’s So Hard to “Follow Your Passion”

How many times have you been told to “follow your passion?” It’s a message that appears in everything from graduation speeches to job ads. But according to a  Deloitte survey of 3,000 full-time U.S. workers, across job levels and industries, only 20% say they are truly passionate about their work. Read more »

Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is

Research out of Mayo Clinic reveals that if we spend just 20 percent of our time on things we are passionate about, then other responsibilities which we are less enthusiastic about don’t seem as burdensome or daunting. This is a perfect opportunity to create a passion audit and find out what things we love doing. Read more »

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