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Four Reasons to Do What You Love for a Living

You’ve heard the cliche that life is too short. You don’t know what tomorrow brings or where you’ll end up. So why waste your time in a career that doesn’t make you happy? Read more »

Why Is It Important to Talk About Race and Racism?

When we teach kids early on that it’s OK to talk about race, we help them to understand, respect, and appreciate the differences between people. This builds empathy and compassion for others so that kids are better able to see when things in their world seem unjust or unfair — and can do something about it. Read more »

It’s Never Too Early to Talk With Children About Race

Infants as young as six months old can recognize differences in skin color. By age two and a half, research has shown, children prefer playmates who are similar in race and gender. And as early as age three, they are forming judgments about people based on racial differences.

What children learn, hear, and witness from family members, friends, and others in their communities about race plays a major role in how they view people who are different from them, according to Yale experts. Read more »

Why Curiosity Enhances Learning

It’s no secret that curiosity makes learning more effective and enjoyable. Curious students not only ask questions, but also actively seek out the answers. Without curiosity, Sir Isaac Newton would have never formulated the laws of physics, Alexander Fleming probably wouldn’t have discovered penicillin, and Marie Curie’s pioneering research on radioactivity may not exist. Read more »

Different and Diverse

Navigating learning and mental health challenges is difficult; adding racial and ethnic diversity to the mix can magnify the inequities and complexities of the journey. Read more »

10 Strategies To Promote Curiosity In Learning

Curiosity is crucial to learning. For years, education has responded by admonishing teachers to ‘engaged’ students with ‘engaging content,’ but engagement and curiosity are decidedly different. An engaged student may very well be curious, but such curiosity isn’t necessary for engagement. Engagement is more than paying attention but doesn’t demand an empowered thinker forging into new ideas with an open-mind through inquiry and questioning. That’s curiosity. Read more »

Stimulating Curiosity to Enhance Learning

People find it easier to learn about topics that interest them. Recent neuroscience research has demonstrated that memory is improved when the learning material is something they are curious about.

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Students of Color in Special Education Are Less Likely to Get the Help They Need – Here Are 3 Ways Teachers Can Do Better

When I was a special education teacher, my colleagues and I recommended that a Black girl receive special education services because she had difficulty reading. However, her mother disagreed. When I asked her why, she explained that she, too, was identified as having a learning disability when she was a student. Read more »

BIPOC Mental Health Trends and Disparities

Even though mental health experiences are unique to each person, there are a few trends within the BIPOC community that highlight similar disparities and barriers throughout each ethnic group. Read more »

I Don’t Want to Label My Child

We are all different, and we know that not every child fits into a specific category. Is your child struggling with learning or behavioral outbursts? Your child is not broken and you are not a bad parent. Read more »

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