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What is Conduct Disorder?

Conduct disorder is the mental health condition that is diagnosed when children or teens exhibit serious aggressive and antisocial behaviors that violate rules or rights of others, with little to no guilt or concern regarding their actions. Read more »

Parents, It’s Time to Talk to Your Child About Vaping

Parents, have you talked to your kids about vaping nicotine yet?

If you have an older kid or a teenager, it’s likely they will encounter e-cigarettes at some point. They often contain more nicotine than regular cigarettes, which makes them highly addictive (and harmful to health). And with fruit and candy flavors, they’re marketed in a way that’s appealing to teens. Read more »

How to Talk to Kids About a Cancer Diagnosis in the Family

What does an appropriate and reassuring conversation with children about a cancer diagnosis look like?

Elizabeth Farrell, a clinical social worker with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, says that a lot of caregivers’ first instinct may be to choose not to tell their children, hoping to protect them. Read more »

Toxic Stress: How Much Stress Is Too Much?

COVID-19 taught most people that the line between tolerable and toxic stress – defined as persistent demands that lead to disease – varies widely. But some people will age faster and die younger from toxic stressors than others.

So how much stress is too much, and what can you do about it? Read more »

6 Ways Educators Can Bolster Boys’ Social Skills

At a time when rates of loneliness are rising among young adults and researchers report that 15- to 24-year-olds spend nearly 70% less time socializing in-person with friends than they did two decades ago, boys face some distinct challenges. Read more »

3 Research-Backed Tips for Teaching Forgiveness to Children

Forgiving and moving on is just as important in repairing a relationship as apologizing and making up for a mistake. As adults, we know the importance of forgiveness in our relationships, but what about for our children? How do they learn to forgive others and move on? And is there anything we can do to teach them to be more forgiving? Read more »

10 Hacks to Boost Teens’ Executive Function Skills and Manage Screen Time

Teens’ focus is interrupted, on average, every 90 seconds. Something as simple as an audible notification can draw focus away from a task.  In schools, multiple distractions across the classroom create an almost impossible task of staying on topic and focused

These distractions aren’t only frustrating for educators, research shows they reduce cognitive efficiency. School psychologist Rebecca Branstetter offered 10 tips and hacks to help boost teen’s executive function skills and manage screen time. Read more »

The Impact of Puberty on Mental Health

Puberty can be a challenging time, but with guidance, parents can help their children navigate it with resilience and strength. Drawing on insights and the expertise of CHC Doctoral Psychology intern, Emma Lecarie, this Voices of Compassion podcast episode provides practical advice for parents navigating this transitional period with their children. Read more »

CHC’s Occupational Therapy Gym Gets a Spring Refresh

What if a therapy room felt more like a playground? What if there were soft mats covering the floor, colorful walls, climbing spaces, and swinging trapezes? And what if, upon entering this special space, you were greeted by a friendly mini Aussiedoodle? This magical space you’re envisioning isn’t a mere fantasy—it’s the occupational therapy gym at CHC. Read more »

Making a Suicide Safety Plan

A safety plan is a set of steps you can take when you feel suicidal. It includes your warning signs, coping strategies, and people to ask for support. You can write your own safety plan or use a free phone app. But it’s best to work with a therapist to make your plan. Read more »

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