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Is Dyslexia Different in Adults?

In its simplest definition, dyslexia is a developmental learning disorder that makes it difficult to read and write. Though it’s typically diagnosed in childhood, symptoms can go unrecognized until later in life and extend well beyond letter mixups. Read more »

10 Helpful Text-to-Speech Readers

Text-to-speech software is often a vital resource for students with dyslexia—to aid reading, promote comprehension, and enhance overall literacy skills. Here are 10 helpful text-to-speech software and applications that are great assistive technology tools to have at the start of the school year. Read more »

First of Its Kind Survey Depicts the State of Mental Health for Youth of Color in the U.S

In a first-of-its-kind national survey that focuses on the mental health of Youth of Color, the AAKOMA Project‘s State of Mental Health for Youth of Color (SOMHYOC) surveyed almost 3,000 young people of color ages 13 to 25 to study their current state of mental health. Read more »

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of 2e Students [downloadable]

Understanding and supporting a 2e students’ social-emotional needs is essential to their well-being. It is important for parents and school staff to develop 2e students’ strengths while supporting areas of need.
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Twice-Exceptional Kids: Both Gifted and Challenged

Some children are highly gifted in areas such as math, writing or music. Others have learning challenges like ADHD, dyslexia or dyscalculia, autism or sensory processing issues. But there are also kids who fit into both categories. They’re called “twice-exceptional,” or 2e, which means that they have exceptional ability and disability. Read more »

Gifted Children With ADHD, and the Challenges Their Parents Face

With the new school year underway, some parents will have a harder time than others because of a little known, but very real phenomenon: their child is “twice exceptional.” These children have both the potential for high achievement (“gifted”) and a one or more disabilities, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or generalized anxiety. Read more »

Pandemic Stress Prematurely Aged Teens’ Brains, Stanford Study Finds

The stress from the pandemic prematurely aged adolescents’ brains, according to a new Stanford University study that adds to the growing list of the lockdown’s troubling impacts on teens. Read more »

5 Ways to Teach Kids How to Celebrate Differences

Children are curious and often have questions when they encounter people that are different from them, whether it be race, age, ability, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or appearance, just to name a few. But while their questions can be embarrassing at times, it’s important to answer those questions and talk about their curiosity.

Here are five ways you can start these difficult conversations and teach kids to accept others and celebrate their differences. Read more »

Why & How to Talk to Young Kids About Race [video]

Contrary to the common belief that young children “don’t see race,” a mountain of research evidence confirms that racial awareness starts early. We know that within a few months of birth, babies prefer own-race faces, and that by roughly age 3 kids start to form judgments about others based on racial differences. And by kindergarten, kids perceive that different racial groups have different social status. Read more »

How to Talk to Kids About Race and Cultural Diversity

Here’s the beautiful thing about kids—most are born with a natural sense of justice and fairness. Unless they are taught to be hurtful and cruel, most children know that it is wrong to attack others either physically or with words.

As a parent or caregiver, it is important for you to nurture this natural love of people. Here are some things to keep in mind as you talk to your child about the value of differences. Read more »

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