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How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Your Child’s Life

Talking openly and positively about differences can help children better understand themselves and those around them. Embracing diversity and inclusion empowers kids to engage their world with curiosity, confidence and kindness. Read more »

Parenting Tips for ADHD: Do’s and Don’ts

Raising a child with ADHD isn’t like traditional childrearing. Normal rule-making and household routines can become almost impossible, depending on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms, so you’ll need to adopt different approaches. Read more »

ADHD 101 – Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting Strategies [video]

The “usual” parenting strategies are often less effective for children with ADHD.  In this video Erin Gonzales, PhD, a psychologist from the PEARL Clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital, discusses common challenges and changes parents and caregivers can make to help a child with ADHD stay engaged and set them up for success. Read more »

When Conventional Schools Don’t Work

Most kids complain about school sometimes. But if your child’s gripes come almost daily and they are begging you not to go to school at all, you might be wondering if there’s something deeper going on. Are they falling behind? Not making friends? Does the pace of instruction leave them feeling lost and confused? Read more »

Helping Gifted Children With Common Homework Problems

The last thing most parents of gifted children would think their kids will have problems with is homework. After all, gifted children are cognitively advanced and learn quickly. Read more »

Poor School Performance and How Parents Can Help

Regardless of your child’s age, the occasional school struggle is normal. But when that struggle becomes a pattern, it often raises concern―from parents and/or teachers. Read more »

My Child is Falling Behind in School. Now What?

Everything seemed to be going OK. But now your child is struggling to keep up in class and is falling behind. You may wonder, is this just a rough patch? Or is something else going on? Read more »

Four Steps to Selecting a School for Your Child

How do you pick the best school for your child? Whether you are choosing a public or private school or homeschooling, whether or not you are paying tuition, careful planning is a must. Read more »

How to Determine If Traditional Education Isn’t Working for Your Child

Children know when something isn’t working for them but they may not have the words available to explain why. Younger children especially may know they are unhappy but not have an emotional understanding to know what is causing the problem. Read more »

Hospitalizations for Eating Disorders Grew in the Pandemic

Alongside the many impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on pediatric care, researchers have seen a stark increase in young adults seeking treatment for disordered eating behaviors. Read more »

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