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Strengths of Dyslexia – A Conversation with Charles Schwab [video]

Charles Schwab speaks with Nicole Ofiesh, former Director of the Schwab Learning Center at CHC, about his dyslexia, the gifts of his unique way of thinking and the challenges he has had to face over the lifespan. Read more »

How to Practice Self-Compassion

Self-criticism is a common problem, and not one to be overlooked: the way you talk to yourself plays a vital role in wellbeing. Luckily, the problem of the harsh self-critic is fixable. Below are five ways to help you overcome your inner critic by strengthening your self-compassion and fostering a sense of self-acceptance. Read more »

How to Care for Your Kids — by First Caring for Yourself

In this NPR interview, mindfulness expert and psychologist Susan Pollak discusses letting of constant self-judgment and treating yourself with the same kindness and caring you strive to offer your kids. Read more »

Stop Hurting Your Own Feelings: Tips on Quashing Negative Self-Talk

Do you ever hurt your own feelings?

A curt reply to that thoughtful work email, zero responses to that happy hour invitation – little slights like these get my inner critic going. What a dumb thing to say! Of course they don’t like you. Who do you think you are?

This kind of negative self-talk can get in the way of creating strong relationships with ourselves and others. Read more »

Helping to Manage a Child’s Emotions

Emotional regulation is the ability to control our emotional state so that it matches the situation at-hand. It is not something we are born knowing how to do, but rather we learn over time. How can we teach our kids to respond to various situations appropriately, even if it means behaving on the outside differently than they are feeling on the inside? Read more »

Teaching Your Child to Stay Calm Sets Them Up for Success

There’s a lot going on in a little kid’s world. New experiences can bring up all kinds of emotions, and even tantrums. But that’s okay. By giving your child the skills they need to manage their feelings, you’ll help them now and down the road. Read more »

Enhancing Social-Emotional Learning with Self-Regulation for Learning

We all want our students to be successful. Some students come to school with greater degrees of Self Regulation for Learning, while others need more modeling and supports along the way. All students can value from keeping the ABCs (affect, behavior, cognition) in mind while learning. Read more »

Why Emotional Self-Regulation Is Important and How to Do It

Emotional self-regulation refers to a person’s ability to manage their emotions and impulses. It is a skill that people learn and develop throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood, and it is an important part of overall mental and physical well-being. Read more »

Digital Tools for Mental Health [downloadable]

While they should not replace professional treatment, mental health apps can offer several benefits.

The following tools have been curated by experts from the Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services at CHC. Read more »

Leave Your Assumptions at the Door — A Unique Learning Center Designed for Those Who Learn Differently

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

When creative ad agency, Gershoni Creative was hired to design the space for the Schwab Learning Center at CHC (SLC@CHC), the project scope went far beyond an art installation. The goal was “to create a highly visual, immersive experience…that welcomes students and encourages thinking beyond the norm.” Read more »

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