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School Refusal: When a Child Won’t Go to School

The transition back to school each fall is challenging for many families. But some children and teens feel so much emotional distress that they may repeatedly balk at attending school or staying there — a problem known as school refusal, or school avoidance if it occurs consistently. Read more »

What Are the Signs of School Refusal?

School refusal is a term used to describe the signs of anxiety a school-aged child has and his or her refusal to go to school. It is also called school avoidance or school phobia. It can be seen in different types of situations. Read more »

School Avoidance: Tips for Concerned Parents

School avoidance – sometimes called school refusal or school phobia – is not uncommon and occurs in as many as 5% of children. These children may outright refuse to attend school or create reasons why they should not go. Read more »

Book: Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School: A Strength-Based Approach to Helping Your Child Thrive and Succeed

Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School guides parents through the challenging and often unfamiliar landscape of raising kids who have been labeled with learning differences, including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, and more. Read more »

Back to School: Balancing Academic and Social-Emotional Wellness

Social-emotional health is fundamental to life and learning: in fact, research shows that it is a greater predictor of academic success than IQ. As our kids head back to school, we are mindful of what they have been through in the past few years and the youth mental health crisis in our midst. Read more »

How to Help Someone with Anxiety

It’s distressing to watch a loved one experience panic attacks and face anxiety every day, but there are things you can do to help. It starts with recognizing the signs of excessive worry and understanding the best ways to support your loved one. Read more »

Magination Press Social Emotional Learning Book Collection [web resource]

Magination Press, the American Psychological Association’s children’s book imprint, has teamed up with Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) to highlight a Magination Press collection featuring a range of free resources, including puzzles and word games, designed to enhance both literacy skills and socioemotional engagement of young readers.
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SEL Video Collection for Parents and Caregivers [video]

The SEL @ Home video collection from PBS Learning Media was created to help parents and caregivers by increasing your understanding of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and offering real-world examples of how you can help your children develop SEL skills while at home. Read more »

Four Simple Steps to Adding SEL to Any Classroom

Social-emotional learning is about cultivating a deeper care for the self in the present moment. That is something we all can do, and that is something that we should all do.

You can begin teaching social-emotional learning in your class in four steps: planning to pause, practicing, tracking it, and finally, by talking about it. Read more »

Restoring What the Pandemic Took: Social and Emotional Learning for Kids

My 9-year-old’s previous school tried to teach him skills such as self-regulation and empathy, but in practice the whole thing felt like just another item on his busy teacher’s daily checklist. But when my son switched schools last year, I saw how effective SEL can be. Read more »

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