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Playing Drums May Improve Socialization, Focus in Teens With Autism

The percussive skill needed to bang out rhythms on a drum may help improve socializing, inhibition control and focus among teens with autism, research suggests. Read more »

What Is Children’s Mental Health?

Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities. Read more »

Growing Friendships: A Kids’ Guide to Making and Keeping Friends

Friendships aren’t always easy for kids. Almost every child struggles socially at some time, in some way—having an argument with a friend, getting teased, or even trying to find a buddy in a new classroom.

Although these are typical problems, they can be tough. Read more »

5 Tips for Picking a Parenting Book

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. Children are at once joyful, sad, confusing, predictable, generous, selfish, gentle and mean. What’s a parent to do when faced with such perplexing offspring? Given the complex interactions of parent, child and surroundings, parents often feel lost. Many may seek answers in parenting books. Read more »

The Neurodiversity Podcast [web resource]

Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a neurodivergent person, is dedicated to destigmatizing neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent people of all ages. Emily hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs for enriching the lives of neurodivergent people. Read more »

Children in Remote School Faced More Sleep, Behavior and Social Challenges

Millions of children spent months, even more than a year, attending school virtually from kitchen tables, bedrooms and laptops during the pandemic.

And this shift to computer-based learning may have led to negative consequences for younger kids, suggests a new Michigan Medicine study of a sample of families in Michigan. Read more »

Pandemic Babies With Developmental Delays Can Be Helped to Make Up for Lost Social Interaction – 5 Tips for Parents

Typically, about 1 in 6 children experience a developmental delay. But children born during the pandemic, a 2022 study has found, have nearly twice the risk of developmental delays in communication and social development compared to babies born prior to the pandemic. Read more »

School Mental Health Resources Critical to Ensuring Safe School Environments

Whenever a mass shooting takes place in schools, public discussion often focuses on laws or policies that might have prevented the tragedy. But averting school violence needs more than gun policy. It requires both prevention and crisis response that take students’ emotional well-being – not just their physical safety – into account. Read more »

Parents’ Guide to 504 Plans and IEPs: What They Are and How They’re Different

Navigating the special education landscape can be daunting for parents trying to get the best education for their children. Here’s a guide to Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans and other aspects of special education. Read more »

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