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Stanford Team Finds Benefits to Online Autism Treatment

In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanford Medicine researchers had to pause a study of autism treatment in preschoolers. The participants, young children with speech delays, had been coming to Stanford 12 hours a week for a therapy called pivotal response treatment, which uses autistic children’s interests to motivate them to talk. Read more »

It’s Time to Screen All Kids for Anxiety, Physicians’ Task Force Recommends

An influential panel of experts says all kids ages eight to 18 should be screened regularly for anxiety. This draft recommendation by the United States Preventative Task Force comes at a time when mental health problems among kids have escalated and are overwhelming the health system. Read more »

Mental Health Primers for Teachers [downloadable] [web resource]

These mental health primers, developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education, provide information for classroom teachers to help them identify behaviors in the classroom that are symptomatic of mental health and other psychological issues, with the goal of directing teachers to appropriate resources for the students. Read more »

Launching: Transition Age Youth

Growing up is a process of moving toward independence, becoming your own person and meeting your own needs. “Launching” refers to the parental role in their child’s transition into adulthood. This process looks different for everyone — a bumpier or more meandering path for some than others. So how can you best prepare your child for a smooth launch? Read more »

The School-to-Work Transition for Young Adults With ADHD

The school-to-work transition can take longer for young adults with ADHD, who don’t mature at the same pace as their peers. Here’s how parents can nudge without pushing. Read more »

Book: Getting to 30 — A Parent’s Guide to the 20-Something Years

The road to adulthood is longer than we think—and, for parents, bumpier. Getting to 30: A Parent’s Guide to the 20-Something Years addresses the new reality for parents of kids in their 20s and the issues that everyone is talking about. It explains what’s really happening to your 18- to 29-year-old, including the story behind your child’s moods.  Read more »

When Kids Grow Up: How to Support Adult Children Without Hovering

There’s no shortage of advice for managing the early years of parenting, but a child’s journey from late adolescence to early adulthood can be just as challenging for parents, maybe even more so. This stage often requires a significant shift in mind-set, as parents move from the front seat to the back seat of their child’s life. Growing research finds that adult children still benefit from parental involvement in these critical years; however, the type of involvement matters and should change from when they were younger. Read more »

5 Signs a Young Adult May Be Struggling

Moving away from home for the first time is a mountainous life transition for a young adult. This can be a daunting task for young adults between ages 18 and 25, whether they are relocating to a new city to pursue an education or job or moving out of the family home within the same town. Read more »

Resources for Transition Age Youth with Disabilities

Transition age youth with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable populations within the foster care system. This population may need additional support as they face unique challenges in their transition to adulthood. Read more »

I Just Learned My Child Has Autism — Now What?

The CDC and National Health Statistics Reports estimate that there is a 1-2% chance of a child being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the rates for boys are higher than that for girls. So, if your child has just been diagnosed with autism, you are not alone. Read more »

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