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Understanding Anxiety: What is Typical and What Is Not

Anxiety is a healthy emotion, except when it’s not. Experiencing anxiety can be just what we need to finish a project or task, or deal with a stressful situation. But it can also be overwhelming and debilitating. Read more »

LinkedIn Adds ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ to Skills List in Effort to Destigmatize

In addition to its many other listed skills, LinkedIn now cites ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ among the talents its users can claim. The new label, which is live from today (March 31), seeks to destigmatize dyslexia among employers and the wider public as part of a campaign by Made by Dyslexia. To support the effort, has also redefined the term as ‘strengths in creative, problem-solving and communication skills.’ Read more »

Facts and Statistics About Anxiety Disorders

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year?  Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment. Read more »

Anxiety Disorders

An anxiety disorder is a type of mental health condition. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may respond to certain things and situations with fear and dread. You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as a pounding heart and sweating. Read more »

Understanding Anxious Feelings

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of intense worry or uneasiness that we experience when we’re facing something stressful, often a situation with an uncertain outcome. In a concerning situation, feeling a certain amount of anxiety is normal, and can even be helpful – for example, it can help us stay motivated to meet deadlines, or even keep us safe in a scary situation. Read more »

Helping Teens Weather the Blow of College Rejection Letters

If you have a senior in high school, you probably know that the last of the college-admissions decisions for the class of 2022 will land in the coming days.

Maybe your teen got into their dream school. If that’s the case, congratulations! But there’s a good chance that your child will face, or already is grappling with, one of the biggest disappointments of their life. Read more »

How to Help Teens Put Less Pressure on Themselves

This is a really tough time for teens. I know what you’re thinking—the teen years have always been tough. Youth mental health is in crisis. What’s been going on? Read more »

7 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Persist at Tasks They Resist

Children will avoid expending energy on tasks for all sorts of reasons, whether they think they’re boring, irrelevant or frustrating, or they want to protect their ego or feel pressure to perform. Although it can be easy to engage in a battle of wills, here are seven more productive ways that caregivers can help children overcome their own resistance and accomplish hard things. Read more »

Parents Who Raise Resilient, Socially Intelligent Kids Do These 5 Things

Kids, especially teens and tweens, sometimes need validation that what they are thinking and feeling is normal and okay. In fact, psychologists believe that validation is one of the most powerful parenting tools, and yet it is often left out of traditional behavioral parent training programs. Read more »

Giving Up On A Perfect Recovery Actually Helped Me Heal From My Eating Disorder

More than a decade of my life, from my early teens to early 20s, was largely defined by my obsessive food and body rituals. I counted calories so closely that I eventually stopped needing to track them, running a list in my mind as I measured out tiny portions. I refused to visit friends in other cities, worried about when and how I would exercise. I starved myself most of the day and ate mindlessly at night, beat myself up for it, then started the cycle all over again the next day. Read more »

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