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Parenting: Weathering the Storm

Parenting is really an art — of balancing being there with letting go. Can your children navigate the world on their own? Will they ever stop needing you and will you ever stop worrying about them? Read more »

When Not Paying Attention in Class Isn’t What It Seems

High school junior Nick Belsaguy pulled a lot of all-nighters in December. He was in his backyard woodshop, crafting laser-engraved cutting boards until 4 a.m.

“(Woodworking) lets me go from the start of ideas in my mind then to a complete finished product,” the 16-year-old entrepreneur said. “I just love seeing that.”

That passion and focus rarely gets tapped at school, though. Nick said he sometimes rushes through classwork so he can use class time to respond to client inquiries or create laser designs on school software. Read more »

Do Masks in School Affect Kids’ Speech and Social Skills?

Some parents express worry that masks might interfere with children’s ability to learn or to socialize. Other parents fear that unmasking will lead to more COVID-19 cases.

Amid the debate, a small but growing body of research is offering hints that masks do not have a significant impact on speech or social skills. Read more »

10 Tips for Building Resilience in Children and Teens

We tend to idealize childhood as a carefree time, but youth alone offers no shield against the emotional hurts, challenges, and traumas many children face. Children can be asked to deal with problems ranging from adapting to a new classroom or online schooling to bullying by peers or even struggles at home. Add to that the uncertainties that are part of growing up in a complex world, and childhood can be anything but carefree. The ability to thrive despite these challenges arises from the skills of resilience. Read more »

Connecting With Your Preteen

Staying connected as kids approach the teen years and become more independent may become a challenge for parents, but it’s as important as ever — if not more so now. Read more »

How to Talk to Your Kids About the Situation in Ukraine

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Last night, my daughter snuck upstairs to say (another) goodnight as I was curled up on the couch, watching the news. While I did manage to quickly hide my secret chocolate stash under a throw blanket, I didn’t pause the TV in time to prevent her from the jarring sight of families desperately fleeing a bombed out apartment building in Ukraine. She looked at me, panic-stricken. “Are we in a war?” she asked. She’s nine, and I didn’t know what to say. Read more »

The Teen Brain: What Are They Thinking?

Our brains develop from the back to the front. The prefrontal cortex — important for impulse control, managing emotions, planning, organization and finishing tasks — is the last to develop, and is not fully mature until our mid-twenties. How does this impact teen behavior and decision making and how can parents make sure we still matter? Read more »

How to Talk to Kids About Gender

Discussing gender can help kids feel more confident in themselves and supported by their parents and caregivers, says Dr. Christy Olezeski, director of Yale’s pediatric gender program, which helps people ages three to 25 who are grappling with questions about their gender. Read more »

Affirming, Gender-Expansive Children’s Books

When is the right time to talk to children about gender identity and gender expression?  Children internalize messages about gender from a very young age, so it’s never too early to start.

If you’re feeling unsure about how navigate these conversations, you’re not alone. One way to begin to explore the topic is through books. Read more »

How Does The Teenage Brain Make Decisions?

Teenagers often make risky choices that appear absurd in the eyes of their parents. But neuroscientist Adriana Galván says these decisions are critical for adolescent brain development.
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