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Assessment 101: An Inside Look at Evaluations

We receive lots of questions from parents about evaluations: Does my child need one? Or should we just start treatment? An evaluation by a psychologist or a multidisciplinary team can be a valuable tool in understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide a roadmap for next steps. It can reveal whether what seems like distraction, laziness or reluctance could actually be a sign of mental health or learning challenges. Read more »

War, Crisis, Tragedy: How to Talk With Kids When the News is Scary

Hear what child development experts have to say about what parents, teachers and other caregivers can do to help prepare and protect kids from all the scary news out there, whether it’s fighting overseas, a school shooting, devastating wildfire or a global pandemic. Read more »

5 Ways to Cope With the Stressful News Cycle

Even after weeks of bracing for an attack amid speculation, global tensions and diplomatic attempts to stave off invasion in the Ukraine — the reality of conflict is always a shock to the system.

Perhaps among the first batch on your mind: How did we get here? What does this all mean? Or maybe, What does this mean for my life? What can I do about it? Read more »

COVID-19 and Disordered Eating: How the Pandemic Has Impacted Eating Habits

Over the past 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many physical and emotional challenges. But has it also adversely affected people’s eating patterns and increased the prevalence of disordered eating? Read more »

Understanding Your Child’s Psychoeducational Evaluation Report [video]

Has your child has been formally assessed for learning disabilities and or ADHD, by either a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation? If so, understanding the report is critical to your ability to become the best advocate for their needs. Read more »

The School Evaluation Process: How to Get Formal Assessments and Appropriate Services

Is your child eligible for a school evaluation for ADHD or a learning disability? If they are struggling with learning, behavior, or academic skills, the answer is probably “yes.” Understand how to get your child a meaningful evaluation and the important first step to securing the school services and supports your child requires. Read more »

Questions to Ask Specialists Who Evaluate for Learning Disabilities

Hiring a private specialist to conduct a psychoeducational evaluation of your child is a big commitment of time, effort, and money. To find someone competent, ask other parents or school staff for their recommendations. You’ll probably want to interview more than one specialist before choosing the person who will work with your child. Read more »

Private vs. School Evaluations: Pros and Cons

You’ve decided to have your child evaluated. The next question is: How? You can request that the school do the testing , or you can hire a private evaluator . Each option has benefits and drawbacks. Which one is best depends on your and your child’s needs and preferences. Here are the pros and cons of each. Read more »

The Chronic Stress Survival Guide: How to Live With the Anxiety and Grief You Can’t Escape

At a time when all life’s challenges have been amplified by the pandemic – and awareness of burnout, at home and at work, has never been higher – stress might seem to be our baseline condition. For most of us, these periods of pressure pass relatively quickly. Even serious stress can be temporary and, given the chance to recover, we usually will. Read more »

More Teens with Eating Disorders Wound up in ER During Pandemic

Emergency rooms across the country have seen a surge in the number of teenage girls dealing with eating and other disorders, including anxiety, depression and stress, during the pandemic, a new government report shows.

The report offers up compelling evidence about the kinds of mental health issues that have plagued a generation of adolescents. Read more »

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