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What Does Childhood Anxiety Look Like? Probably Not What You Think.

The good news in all of this is that child anxiety is very treatable, especially with early intervention. Read more »

6 Types of Anxiety that Can Affect Children

There are many types of anxiety disorders, but the following are the disorders most common anxiety disorders experienced by children. Read more »

A Parent’s Journey: A Child With ADHD

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk candidly about what parenting a child with ADHD is really like — the challenges, joys, worries and wonder. Hear from Lauren Sims, the mom of a child with ADHD, as she shares her real-life personal journey filled with encouragement, empathy and strategies to set your child up for success. Read more »

How to Calm a Stressed Kid? A One-Minute Video Can Help, According to Stanford Researchers

A Stanford study shows that taking a few slow, deep breaths significantly reduces children’s physiological arousal in everyday settings. Read more »

Tools for Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Children and Youth [web resource] [video] [downloadable]

Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected. What we think can affect how we feel and act. And what we do can affect how we think and feel. Changing one can help change the others. We can use this fact to help ourselves feel better and live the way we want to live. Read more »

21 Tips for Raising a Child With ADHD

For a child with ADHD, consistency is vital. By using a supportive and structured approach, challenging behaviors can be limited, and the child can flourish. The following tips have been compiled to help parents reduce disruptive behaviors and deal with challenges related to ADHD. Read more »

Positive Parenting: Adjust Your Parenting Strategies for Kids With ADHD

Your child’s bad behavior is not personal. Make ADHD the enemy; not your child. Catch your child being good every day. Stop blaming others. And other rules for parenting a child with ADD that every family needs to hear.

To ensure that your child is happy and well-adjusted now and in the future — and to create a tranquil home environment — you’ve got to be a great parent to a child with ADHD. Here’s what works, and why. Read more »

Parent Training in Behavior Management for ADHD

Behavior therapy is an effective treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that can improve a child’s behavior, self-control, and self-esteem. It is most effective in young children when it is delivered by parents. Experts recommend that healthcare providers refer parents of children younger than 12 years old for training in behavior therapy. Read more »

ADHD Toolkit – Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Teens [downloadable] [web resource]

For parents and caregivers who are just learning about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), this ADHD Toolkit will help you gain a basic understanding of the disorder and its diagnosis and treatment in children and teens. Read more »

Benefits of Early Math Experiences Add Up

While literacy is often seen as a cornerstone to scholastic achievement, and many parents devote a lot of time and energy into nurturing their small child’s love of reading, studies show that mathematical reasoning ability may be even more crucial as a building block for success in school and beyond. That’s why experts say more attention should be paid to early numeracy in childhood. Read more »

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