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Potentia Institute: My Brain Explained [web resource]

Knowledge is power. It enables us to find our right fit, strengthen areas where we have challenges, seek support, advocate for ourselves and design our own learning or work environment. Yet, Information about our brains has not been readily available to most people in a practical manner. Read more »

I Just Learned My Child Has ADHD — Now What?

Your child has just been diagnosed with ADHD…now what? Part of you might feel relieved that there’s an explanation for your child’s behavior, while another might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of parenting a child with attention challenges. How can you best equip your child for happiness and success? Read more »

Google Launches Initiative to Hire More Autistic People

Google has announced an initiative that will prioritize hiring more autistic people by adjusting the way the company approaches the interview process to accommodate neurodivergent applicants. The company aims to train up to 500 hiring managers and others involved in the hiring process to be more effective and empathetic when interacting with autistic candidates. Read more »

California Joins Other States With Laws Limiting Wait Times for Mental Health Issues

Many Americans with mental illness report waiting weeks for care, even for serious depression or suicidality. California has a new law for insurers, limiting those wait times to two weeks or less. Read more »

What Is the Latest Research on Autism?

The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that among 8-year-old children, 1 in 36 are autistic. This number has increased from the one in 44 prevalence reported in previous estimates. Read more »

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Teens: What You Need to Know [downloadable]

Have you noticed that your child or teen finds it hard to pay attention? Do they often move around during times when they shouldn’t, act impulsively, or interrupt others? If such issues are ongoing and seem to be impacting your child’s daily life, they may have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Read more »

Parenting a Child With ADHD? The Secret to No-Shout, No-Tears Discipline

Spanking and yelling don’t help kids with ADHD learn better behavior — in fact, harsh punishment can lead them to act out more in the future. Try these calm, collected ways to deal with discipline instead.

As challenging as it sometimes is to do, taking a positive approach can be more effective in teaching your child to act her best. Read more »

Mindfulness: Beyond the Buzzword

What is mindfulness, really, and does it even make a difference?

Listen in to this Voices of Compassion podcast episode as we talk with Jennifer Salomon, Occupational Therapist at CHC, about the physiology of mindfulness and practical ways to be more present (even for skeptics). Because “as soon as we tune in and recognize that we’re not being mindful, we’re already being mindful.” Read more »

School Bullying Has Decreased During the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Schools Should Prepare for Its Return

Remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted many facets of students’ school experiences. Although many parents, educators, and other stakeholders have sounded the alarm on the potential negative learning and mental health outcomes, the shift to virtual schooling may have also benefited some students—particularly those who have experienced bullying by their peers. Read more »

Lesson of the Day: Critical Race Theory: A Brief History [web resource]

In the lesson “Critical Race Theory: A Brief History” from the New York Times’ Learning Network, students will learn how an academic legal framework developed during the 1980s for understanding racism in the United States  has become a hot-button political issue 40 years later and examine the spread of legislation opposed to critical race theory. Read more »

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