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California Students With Disabilities Can Enroll in Independent Study, Judge Rules

Students in special education who had been denied access to independent study won their first round in court on November 5, when a judge ordered those students’ school districts to reinstate their remote learning plans. Read more »

How Kids Can Benefit From Mindfulness Training

Many of us are looking for new ways to manage stress. Although mindfulness and meditation are not new – there is evidence suggesting that humans have been practicing meditation for more than 5,000 years – many are turning to these techniques to improve overall well-being. Read more »

Mindfulness Minutes Series Helps Children Learn About Mindfulness [web resource][video]

You may be wondering why mindfulness is important for your child. Mindfulness gives kids the habit of focusing on the present moment and ignoring distractions, promotes happiness and patience by lowering social anxiety and stress, teaches them to stay calm in the face of life’s stressful times, improves attentiveness and impulse control, creates good habits for the future, and so much more. Read more »

Mindfulness Exercises: See How Mindfulness Helps You Live In the Moment

If you’ve heard of or read about mindfulness meditation — also known as mindfulness — you might be curious about how to practice it. Find out how to do mindfulness exercises and how they might benefit you. Read more »

How Reading Aloud Can Help You Bond With Your Kids and Make Them Better Readers

We’ve all heard about the benefits of learning to read quietly and independently. A big part of learning at school is all about reading, but it’s not always easy to find time for more reading at home. Read more »

Schwab Learning Center at CHC

7 Things to Know About College Disability Services

If your child has had an IEP or a 504 plan in high school, you’ve been able to play a role in the process. You’ve had access to the people who are providing supports and services. And you’ve been able to monitor how well those supports are being implemented. Read more »

College Students with ADHD

Most people with ADHD are diagnosed before college. However, some people may not recognize the signs and symptoms of ADHD until they are at college. Trying to balance school work and the freedom of living away from home for the first time may be challenging. Read more »

Succeeding in College with ADHD [video]

Heading off to college and wondering how you’ll cope with your ADHD symptoms? First, know that you are not alone. Plenty of people who have ADHD or its symptoms have succeeded in college. That includes learning how to deal with issues of time management, emotional and social well-being, focusing in class, doing homework, and taking tests. Read more »

My Teen Struggles with Executive Function

It was January 2021. Our son Jack’s second term as a freshman in high school had just ended. Two weeks earlier, my husband and I scanned the school’s database to check his grades. We counted more than 20 missing assignments.

A bright, conscientious, and capable teen, Jack had often struggled with organization and procrastination, especially with research and writing assignments. Read more »

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