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Special Olympics Program Helps Schools Get Unified on Inclusivity

When the bullying prevention side of the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program became clear to the Lansing Public School District in Michigan, an initial launch quickly expanded from five schools to the entire district. Read more »

What It’s Like to Get an Autism Diagnosis After Years of Being Called Difficult, Dramatic and Lazy

During the first thirty years of her life, comedy script writer Sara Gibbs had been labeled a lot of things – a cry baby, a scaredy cat, a spoiled brat, a weirdo, a show off – but more than anything else, she’d been called a Drama Queen. Little did Sara know that, at the age of thirty, she would be given one more label that would change her life’s trajectory forever. That one day, sitting next to her husband in a clinical psychologist’s office, she would learn that she had never been a drama queen, or a weirdo, or a cry baby, but she had always been autistic. Read more »

What’s Your Why?

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

“There’s a great irony when we need help to actually help someone who is struggling with the same thing as us, and it is the most healing thing we can do.”

Simon Sinek, author and inspirational speaker

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A Framework for Conversations About Race in Schools [downloadable]

Talking about race makes a lot of people feel like squirming away. And even as there has been more widespread acknowledgement that race should be at the center of conversations about inequity, people still get scared or freeze up when it’s mentioned. This can leave a person wondering, “Is there anyone who is good at navigating these types of conversations?” Read more »

Pediatricians Say the Mental Health Crisis Among Kids Has Become a National Emergency

A coalition of the nation’s leading experts in pediatric health has issued an urgent warning declaring the mental health crisis among children so dire that it has become a national emergency. Read more »

The Tyranny of Letter Grades

Our current grading system can be a way for kids to prove themselves, win college scholarships, or gain admission to highly selective colleges. It also can turn into a game that encourages comparison to fictional “averages.”

Some say the whole system of grading focuses on ranking and sorting students rather than actually helping them learn. Read more »

How to Help Kids Persevere at Hard or Boring Tasks [video]

Maryam Abdullah, Parenting Program Director at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, shares a simple way to boost kids’ motivation. Read more »

I Just Learned My Child Has Dyslexia…Now What?

A dyslexia diagnosis can be bittersweet: in some ways, it might help explain your child’s struggles in school and their anxieties about falling behind. But finding the right supports for your child is daunting, and you can’t help but worry about the long-term impacts on their happiness, confidence and success. Read more »

10 Signs of Dyslexia in Children That Parents Should Look Out For

These are the 10 signs to look out for if you suspect dyslexia in your child, according to experts. Read more »

Behavior Strategies – What You Need to Know

Whether your child just doesn’t want to go to bed at night, or is defiant to anything and everything, Dr. Jody Miller, Head of Esther B. Clark Schools at CHC and Board Certified Behavior Analyst, has seen it all. In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, Dr. Miller shares her top three go-to strategies for challenging behavior. Read more »

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