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Youthful Advisers Help Shape a Mental Health Program for Their Peers

Phebe Cox grew up in what might seem an unlikely mental health danger zone for a kid: tony Palo Alto, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. But behind its façade of family success and wealth, she said, is an environment of crushing pressure on students to perform. By 2016, when Cox was in middle school, Palo Alto had a teen suicide rate four times the national average. Read more »

Why Asian American Kids Are Under-Diagnosed When It Comes to Learning Disabilities

Up to 20 percent of public school students are served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, but only 7 percent of Asian Americans are, the lowest of any group. Read more »

New Research Suggests Exercise Can Lower Risk of Anxiety by More Than 60 Percent

The findings of a study published with Frontiers in Psychiatry suggests that those who engage in regular exercise may lower their risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%. Read more »

Toxic Stress [video]

Learning how to cope with adversity is an important part of healthy child development. When we are threatened, our bodies prepare us to respond by increasing our heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones, such as cortisol. When a young child’s stress response systems are activated within an environment of supportive relationships with adults, these physiological effects are buffered and brought back down to baseline. Read more »

Why Teenage Sleep Is So Important for Mental Health

It should come as no surprise that a serious lack of sleep, or seriously disturbed sleep, is one of the most common symptoms of depression among adolescents. After all, however tired you might feel, it’s hard to drop off if you’re wracked with doubts or worries. This is true for adults too, with 92% of people with depression complaining of sleep difficulties. Read more »

Teens and Sleep

Teens face numerous challenges to getting consistent, restorative sleep. Recognizing those challenges helps teens and their parents make a plan so that teens get the sleep they need. Read more »

October Is International Dyslexia Awareness Month

International Dyslexia Awareness Month was established by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) to raise awareness and educate others about dyslexia. Read more »

What Teletherapy Is and Why It Works

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

In the early days of the pandemic, CHC implemented a remote model of care using a HIPAA-compliant healthcare platform on Zoom so that our nonprofit mental health agency could continue to deliver best-in-class support to kids, teens and young adults with learning differences and mental health concerns. Read more »

Teenagers and Sleep: How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Though teenagers and their sleep habits may be maddening to parents, they’re partly in response to physical changes that occur during puberty. “Teens experience a natural shift in circadian rhythm,” says Johns Hopkins sleep expert Laura Sterni, M.D. Read more »

The Difference Between Hope and Optimism

Some of the people who have done the best have been downright pessimistic about the outside world, but they’ve paid less attention to external circumstances and focused more on what they could do to persevere. Read more »

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