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Strategies That Work: A Parent’s Guide to ADHD at School [downloadable]

For most students, the 2021-22 academic year will be starting in-person, and won’t feel like last year — but it will still feel different from years past. Despite so many unknowns on the horizon, there are challenges you can anticipate. Read more »

Making the Move to Middle School? How to Improve Executive Functioning Skills

Executive functioning isn’t something that just crops up during adolescence. Our kids have been working on their executive functioning skills since they were babies. Read more »

Why Working Memory Fails and How to Bolster It

Many experts today argue that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not, at its core, an attention problem, but rather a self-regulation problem exacerbated by weak working memory. Read more »

Youth Depression and Anxiety Doubled During the Pandemic, New Analysis Finds

During the Covid-19 pandemic, depression and anxiety in youth doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels, according to the research. One in 4 adolescents globally are “experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while 1 in 5 youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms.” Read more »

How to Help Your Child Rekindle Friendships at Any Age

Cultivating strong friendships isn’t easy for every child — pandemic or no pandemic. Neurodiverse children or those with behavioral or mental health needs may require additional external support for themselves and their caregivers. Here’s how you can help your child make and keep friends — at any age. Read more »

Too Much Screen Time? How to Help Your Kids Find the Right Balance

The way we talk to our kids about using technology can have a huge impact on their ability to become smart and well-rounded adults. After years of researching how to moderate kids’ screen time, I discovered how the most successful parents help their kids find balance. Read more »

Four Steps to Coax Young Adults (and Their Parents) to Greater Independence

When Julie Lythcott-Haims served as a dean at Stanford, she found that many students relied upon parents to handle the run-of-the-mill stuff of life for them. Meanwhile, members of the Millennial generation more broadly were going on record as not knowing how to be adults, not wanting to be adults and finding adulthood scary. Read more »

36 Questions That Can Help Kids Make Friends [downloadable]

The young teen years are a ripe time for forming friendships. It’s an age when kids are particularly focused on peer relationships and social status, developing their sense of identity and social skills. Read more »

How to Help Your Child With Back-to-School Anxiety

With so much to do, buy, and organize, parents might overlook another crucial way of equipping kids for school — getting them mentally prepared. Karen Stewart, MD, adult and child and adolescent psychiatrist for Kaiser Permanente in Georgia offers 5 tips for reducing back-to-school anxiety. Read more »

How to Help Your Child Make Friends

Is your child having trouble developing friendships? Help him feel more confident with these tips and activities for making friends at school. Read more »

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