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Verbal Jiujitsu, Disarming and Other Tips for Dealing With Microaggressions

Psychologist Derald Wing Sue calls microaggressions the “everyday slights, indignities, insults, putdowns and invalidations” that people from marginalized communities experience on a regular basis.

Whether and how we respond to a microaggression is situational, but we don’t have to passively let them happen to us or in front of us. There are ways, large and small, to push back and “signal to both the perpetrator and onlookers that this is unacceptable behavior,” Sue said. Read more »

Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students [downloadable] [web resource]

An LGBTQ-inclusive school benefits all students. Seeing LGBTQ identities valued in the classroom, in the curriculum and in day-to-day interactions inspires empathy, understanding and respect. Read more »

If Your Brain Feels Foggy And You’re Tired All The Time, You’re Not Alone

In recent weeks, Dr. Kali Cyrus has struggled with periods of exhaustion. Exhaustion is also one of the top complaints she hears from her patients these days. They say things like, “It’s just so hard to get out of bed” or “I’ve been misplacing things more often,” she says.

Mental health care providers around the U.S. are hearing similar complaints. And many providers, like Cyrus, are feeling it themselves. Read more »

Coming Out of Our COVID Caves: An Expert’s Guide to Re-Entry

For the past 15 months, we’ve been carefully following safety protocols, and strict mandates have helped inform our decisions. Now, as we come out of our COVID caves, the rules are more ambiguous and varying comfort levels collide. It can create a whole new wave of anxiety around what feels safe, especially when our precautions don’t match those around us.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, CHC’s Dr. Vivien Keil, shares coping strategies for easing our family’s way back into the world with courage and compassion. Read more »

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind

In The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight, and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. Read more »

Strengthening Families and the Protective Factors Framework [downloadable]

At its heart, Strengthening Families is about how families are supported to build key protective factors that enable children to thrive. The five protective factors at the foundation of Strengthening Families also offer a framework for changes at the systems, policy and practice level – locally, statewide and nationally. Read more »

New Free Family-Oriented Early-Literacy Apps [downloadable]

Three new early-literacy apps — released for free from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and its Reach Every Reader initiative — are designed for parents and caregivers to use with their children. They’re designed to create fun and rewarding interactions, get families talking, and give children the foundations they need to read, learn, and thrive. Read more »

$38M Set of Gifts From Ballmer Group to Address Behavioral Health Crisis

The University of Washington on Friday announced that the School of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and the Behavioral Health Institute at Harborview Medical Center are part of a transformational $38 million set of gifts from Ballmer Group to support a broad, collaborative response to the state’s behavioral health crisis. Read more »

Cultural Humility: Fostering Respect and Understanding

What is cultural humility and why does it matter? As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. It is from us that our kids learn how to be accepting and respectful of those from diverse backgrounds.

In this Voices of Compassion episode, Tony Cepeda, LMFT, Clinical Program Manager at CHC, will teach us how to listen and learn from our hearts. In the end, we may find that we have more similarities than differences. Read more »

Ask an Expert: Coping With Tension in the Family [video]

They are the people you love most in the world, but living 24/7 under one roof with your family is stressful and tension filled. Even small things that never bothered you are major irritants now. And now you have the added tension of re-entry – with different family members having different ideas about what that should look like. How do you as a parent navigate all of this and support your family? Read more »

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