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The Pandemic Portal

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.”

-Arundhati Roy

On March 13, 2020, it arrived. We knew it was coming, but still our collective hearts sank. Read more »

Improving LGBTQ Representation in Curriculum Reduces Stigma, Bullying

LGBTQ students who go to a school with a GSA on campus reported they were bullied less often on points aside from their gender or sexual orientation. Read more »

How to Help Your Kids Reframe Their Anxiety and Reclaim Their Superpowers

Every child feels anxious at times — but for some, that feeling persists and interferes with friendships and schoolwork.

Renee Jain, founder of GoZen!, an online platform to help kids manage their anxiety, and Dr. Shefali Tsabary, a clinical psychologist, are authors of Superpowered: Transform Anxiety Into Courage, Confidence and Resilience.

They believe anxiety is normal, but that instead of accepting it, we try and reject, diminish or get rid of the feeling. Read more »

U.S. Department of Education Features Esther B. Clark Parent’s Back-to-School Testimonial

As schools across the nation are exploring options to safely open their doors to in-person instruction, the U.S. Department of Education has gathered success stories in which parents, students, teachers, school officials, and other community members share their practices, strategies and positive experiences returning students to learning. Read more »

Learning Challenges, Behavior & Distance Learning [presentation] [video]

Adding distance to learning has created yet another barrier to learning for students with learning differences. Sometimes we see behavioral issues arise. Students become more frustrated because they are not able to keep up, or they need even more time to process. Learn more about understanding behavior and strategies to support your child during this challenging time. Read more »

Does Your Child Have an Eating Disorder? This Guide Can Help Your Child Eat Normally Again

Parents are the first to know when their child starts behaving differently. Has your son stopped eating his favorite food, or does he refuse to eat out with friends? Has your daughter drastically increased her exercise regimen, or become obsessed with health foods? These are among the telltale signs that your child, like millions of others, may have an eating disorder (ED). Read more »

Is Your Teen Vaping? Why ADHD Brains Get Addicted & How to Quit

Most parents are keenly aware of the dangers of vaping. After decades of decline in teen smoking, nicotine is again finding its way to teens and young adults. Among youth, a primary appeal of e-cigarettes, like Juuls, is the fact that they can keep their smoking private. Unlike stinky cigarettes, vape devices emit nearly odorless vapor, and they’re small and easily concealed. Read more »

More Changes Proposed for California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum to Strengthen ‘Balance’

The California Department of Education is recommending dozens of wording changes and additional lesson plans about Pacific Islander, Japanese and Korean Americans and other ethnic groups to its proposed model ethnic studies curriculum. Read more »

How Can Teachers Nurture Meaningful Student Agency?

The term “student agency” continues to be at the forefront of the educational discourse around the world. By encouraging children to have more control over their learning, educators hope students will leave our classrooms and schools with a range of skills that will support them in being lifelong learners, engaged humanitarians and empathetic people.

As of late, this has become increasingly apparent as teachers and students have pivoted to more distance learning experiences. Read more »

High School Is Not the Time to Let Up on SEL

In elementary school, it’s common to have social and emotional lessons built into the curriculum, and the research shows that they have a strong, positive impact on student outcomes and school climate. But a 2019 survey of 15,000 K–12 teachers and 3,500 principals confirms what many probably suspect—that by the time kids reach high school, standalone SEL lessons are rare. Read more »

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