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Translating Dyslexia Support to Distance Learning a Challenge, but Not Impossible

Dyslexia interventions can be replicated virtually with online sensory tools and assistive technology, District Administration reports, noting applications that allow for interactive learning also help students engage in distance learning environments. Read more »

How 3 School Systems Initiated Antiracist Practices

The growing acknowledgement of racial injustice and systemic racism is leading school districts, schools and individual teachers across the nation to examine and, in some cases, change their policies and approaches. Others, however, don’t know where to start or worry their actions will have no impact. Read more »

Election Stress Getting To You? 4 Ways To Keep Calm

With Election Day just around the corner, many Americans are on edge. Nearly 70% of respondents said the elections are a significant source of stress, according to a survey out this month from the American Psychological Association. Read more »

CHC Launches Voices of Compassion Podcast Series

2020 brought us COVID-19 in March and then sheltering in place. And then, we layered on school closure and distance learning. On top of that, we’ve experienced social unrest regarding race and tens of thousands of people evacuated due to wildfires. How much more can we take?

Enter CHC’s new podcast series, Voices of Compassion. Read more »

How to Be Happy, According to Science

Here’s what the research says about the things we can do every day to improve our happiness, even during immensely challenging times. Read more »

Coronavirus: The Possible Long-Term Mental Health Impacts

Covid-19 has increased anxiety for many of us, and experts warn a sizable minority could be left with mental health problems that outlast the pandemic. Read more »

Resources for Virtual Instruction and Online Learning [web resource]

Online professional learning resources are designed to be engaging and practical across a variety of contexts and roles. You deserve a differentiated experience just as much as your students do. Read more »

Coping with Constant Change & Uncertainty [presentation] [video]

It’s important to develop some coping strategies so that you can stay resilient during these anxiety-filled times. In this webinar, Patrice Crisostomo, PhD, Clinical Program Manager and Licensed Psychologist at CHC and Cara DiClemente, MA, Doctoral Psychology Intern at CHC relay some valuable strategies that you can use as you cope with the constant change and anxiety in your life right now. Read more »

U.S. Department of Education Features Esther B. Clark Schools’ Back-to-School Success Story

The U.S. Department of Education has collected and published best practices and successful strategies employed by schools all over the country as they return America’s students to learning.

Jody Miller, Head of CHC’s Esther B. Clark Schools, contributed “How We Brought the Most Vulnerable Students Back to School,” in which she describes how she and her staff successfully transitioned EBC Schools’ students back to in-person learning this fall. Read more »

Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide [downloadable]

The U.S. Department of Education created a free Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide, a resource to help parents and guardians understand how digital tools can provide tailored learning opportunities, engage students with course materials, encourage creative expression, and enrich the educational experience. Read more »

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