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8 Tips to Help Your Child Focus and Stay Engaged During Distance Learning

Maintaining high levels of engagement can be challenging in a distance or hybrid learning environment, even for savvy adult learners. Read more »

The Role Social-Emotional Learning Plays in Teaching White Children About Race

When you grow up white in America, you learn that you are simply American. If you’re not white, you learn that you have to qualify your identity: African American, Asian American, Latin American. Children pick this up at a very young age. Read more »

Back-to-School Blues 5: How to Take Care of Yourself (When You’re Too Busy Taking Care of Everyone Else)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Our final theme in the Back-to-School Blues series, how to take care of yourself (when you’re too busy taking care of everyone else), is arguably the most important. We all know that if the primary caregiver isn’t doing OK then no one is. But there is still so much laundry to get done and so many things we’d rather do than meditate. Read more »

What Does it Mean to be Anti-Racist? [web resource] [video]

Anti-racism is a term that’s been around for awhile but has been appearing more in conversations lately. It’s the idea that people of all races, but especially white people, need to step up when they see explicit or structural racism. So, what are you doing in your schools or communities to combat racism? Or what do you want to do? Read more »

Back-to-School Blues 4: How to Find Joy (Amidst the Mayhem)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Theme four in our Back-to-School Blues series, how to find joy (amidst the mayhem), reminds us of what’s important in life and that it’s OK to eat cake for breakfast. (OK, I just made that last part up). Read more »

Back-to-School Blues 3: How to Stay Balanced (When Your Head Is Spinning)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Theme three in our Back-to-School Blues series, how to stay balanced (when your head is spinning), is a lot harder than it sounds, and requires compassion and grace that may be in short-supply these days. Fortunately, our CHC experts are here to help! Read more »

Back-to-School Blues 2: How to Empower Your Kids (to Control Their Own Distance Learning Destiny)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Theme two in our Back-to-School Blues series, how to empower your kids (to control their own distance learning destiny), tackles a concept that requires a bit of patience on the front-end for benefits that will last a lifetime. Read more »

Back-to-School Blues 1: How to Set Up Your “Homeschool” (for Success)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Last year, on the first day of school, I could practically hear George Michael’s “Freedom” playing in my head; a welcome soundtrack as I bounded up the hill to a friend’s house for celebratory mimosas.

This year, after a summer of no camps, trips to grandma’s or childcare, Pink’s “Leave Me Alone” feels more apropos. I adore my kids with every ounce of my being but this togetherness is getting out of hand. Read more »

Tools for Anti-Racist Teaching [video]

In this four-part series, PBS Learning Media explore tools for anti-racist teaching and considers the ways in which educators can use media and media literacy to deepen their understanding of systemic racism. Read more »

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