Where you can find Soluna
Soluna is available on both iOS and Android, providing youth and young adults aged 13-25 with immediate access to a comprehensive mental health toolkit, community support, resources, and journaling—all at no cost to the user, their parents, or their school.
How you can use Soluna to support your mental health

No smartphone? No worries! Soluna offers professional over-the-phone coaching in 19 languages. Just click the chat icon on the Soluna app website to create an account and gain access to free telecoaching sessions.

Read this article to learn about Children’s Health Council’s partnership with Brightlife Kids for children ages 0-12 and Soluna for young people ages 13-25 to expand access to mental health support.
Source: CalHOPE | https://www.calhope.org | ©2023 State of California

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