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What Is Stress?

  • Stress is the body’s emotional, physical, or behavioral response to environmental change.
  •  Stress can be a short-term reaction in response to an upcoming event, such as homework deadlines, an upcoming exam, or speaking in front of the class. Stress can also result from traumatic or ongoing experiences, such as coping with parents’ divorce, public health crises, natural disasters, or community violence, as well as adapting to different cultural or social expectations or values. 
  • Some amount of stress is beneficial and can motivate students to perform better.
  • Too much stress can be harmful, even if it is associated with sowing the seeds for a positive event (e.g., academic/sports competition or going to college). 

Students of any age can show the responses to excessive stress

Pre-K and Kindergarten students

Elementary students

Middle school students

High school students

What Can Teachers Do?

  1. Listen, express understanding, and (if appropriate) offer help.
  2. Offer ways for students to cope. A “peace area” in your room where students can quietly reflect or engage in calming activities can help.
  3. Speak to the student privately (but with the door open if you are in a physical space). Don’t address or share the student’s behavior publicly
  4. Be mindful not to exacerbate their stress if it appears to be related to academic performance. Don’t ignore or avoid the student and the issue.
  5. Confer with colleagues who also work closely with the student. This may reveal a fuller picture of the issue.
  6. Continue to monitor the student. If they continue to demonstrate stress-based behaviors for an extended period of time, or the behaviors reemerge after seeming to have abated, consult with the school counselor regarding introducing stronger support resource opportunities.
Source: APA | Students Experiencing Stress, | © 2024 by the American Psychological Association. Retrieved August 2024.

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