Resources Tagged With: anxiety

5 Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Psychology Consultation

Parents often ask how to prepare their child for their first visit to a psychologist. “Should I tell my child about the appointment? What should I say? What if my child doesn’t want to go?” Read more ›

My Teenager Doesn’t Want Help. What Should I Do?

It can be a tough thing to accept that your teenager is experiencing depression. But it can be even harder if you feel like they don’t want help.

Keeping the communication lines open is important – even if it feels like it’s just a one-way thing at the moment. The good news is, there are some simple things you can do at home to help improve your teen’s mood and well being. Read more ›

Helping Resistant Teens Into Treatment

It can be hard to get kids to agree to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. In fact this is a common stumbling block for many parents of teenagers struggling with anything from anxiety to ADHD, depression, or an eating disorder.  Adolescents need to want to get better, and be willing to work with someone to make that happen. For treatment to work kids need to buy into it, at least a little. Read more ›

Mental Health and Connection Are More Important Than Ever [downloadable]

Children’s Health Council is leading the emotional recovery with learning and mental health services for kids, teens, young adults and families. Our mission-minded experts are committed to transforming lives with courage, connection and compassion. CHC’s areas of excellence include learning differences, ADHD, anxiety and depression and autism. Read more ›

Framing Re-Entry for Our Youth: Supporting Our Kids’ Transition Back to ‘Normal’

Feeling anxious about coming out from behind your computer screen? You are not alone. According to the APA, nearly 50% of Americans say they feel anxious about getting back to ‘normal’ post-pandemic, enough for psychologists to coin the phrase “re-entry anxiety.”

Given that we haven’t interacted in-person without some degree of fear or uncertainty in over a year, the feeling is understandable. So how do we manage our anxiety and emerge from our COVID cocoons with confidence and compassion? Read more ›

Relieve Stress With Free Guided Meditations [web resource] [downloadable]

Mindful awareness can be defined as paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. It is an excellent antidote to the stresses of modern times. Read more ›

COVID-19 and Mental Health

Collective trauma is the psychological impact of a cataclysmic event experienced by a group of people of any size, including an entire nation or society. The following infographics detail the profound and far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more ›

Suicidal Thoughts Are Increasing in Young Kids

While suicidal thoughts and self-harm have been well documented in teenagers, mental health experts say too little attention has been paid to young children, despite growing evidence that more elementary and middle school students are in crisis. Read more ›

Anxious Kids? How Parents Can Help

For those with social or situational anxieties, sheltering-in-place may have brought comfort and control, and even the anticipation of re-entry can be debilitating. But these stressful times can also be a teaching moment, for us to validate our kids’ feelings and model healthy coping strategies.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, we sat down with CHC’s Dr. Joan Baran and doctoral psychology intern Beth Moroney to find out how. Read more ›

CHC in the Press: The Importance of Checking In — CHC Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Ramsey Khasho

In an interview withe the Nob Hill Gazette, CHC’s Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Ramsey Khasho, offers invaluable insight on what many children, young adults and families have been facing — and invites parents to take an active approach to their children’s menCHCtal health. Read more ›

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