Resources Tagged With: anxiety

How to Talk to Kids About the Riots at the U.S. Capitol

No doubt many young people across the country are finding this moment extremely scary. Parents, caregivers and teachers can help children cope. Read more ›

I’m So Stressed Out! Fact Sheet [downloadable]

Feeling overwhelmed? Read this fact sheet to learn whether it’s stress or anxiety, and what you can do to cope. Read more ›

Explaining the News to Our Kids

Whether it’s wall-to-wall coverage of a global pandemic, the latest natural disaster, a horrific mass shooting, a suicide broadcast on social media, or a violent political rally, it’s nearly impossible to keep the news at bay until you’re able to figure out what to say. The bottom line is that elementary school-aged kids and some middle schoolers have trouble fully understanding news events. Read more ›

Feeling Stressed? Ways to Improve Your Well-Being

Have you been feeling more stressed than usual? Many people are during these challenging times. Read more ›

The Emotional Toll of Racism [downloadable]

Black students continuously experience, fight against and bear emotional scars from racism, which can lead to increased anxiety and poor mental health outcomes. Some colleges are just starting to address these issues. Read more ›

How To Help Someone At Risk Of Suicide

If  you know someone struggling with despair, depression or thoughts of suicide, you may be wondering how to help. Yet many of us are afraid to do the wrong thing. In fact, you don’t have to be a trained professional to help, says Doreen Marshall, a psychologist and vice president of programs at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Read more ›

All Under the Same Roof: Family Dynamics While Sheltered-in-Place

We are all feeling the strain of living, working and schooling under one roof. It is a challenging time for families – if there has ever been a need for compassion, it certainly is now.  In this podcast, we sat down with Jennifer Leydecker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Program Manager at CHC, to get her expert advice on ways to reduce stress and add compassion to your family dynamic. Read more ›

Top 5 Strategies to Foster Mental Health in Your Child

While most young people have been spared from the severe physical effects of COVID-19, our children are reeling from the anxiety, fear and isolation the pandemic has caused. What are the best ways for you as a parent to support your child’s mental health? Read more ›

How to Help Your Kids Reframe Their Anxiety and Reclaim Their Superpowers

Every child feels anxious at times — but for some, that feeling persists and interferes with friendships and schoolwork.

Renee Jain, founder of GoZen!, an online platform to help kids manage their anxiety, and Dr. Shefali Tsabary, a clinical psychologist, are authors of Superpowered: Transform Anxiety Into Courage, Confidence and Resilience.

They believe anxiety is normal, but that instead of accepting it, we try and reject, diminish or get rid of the feeling. Read more ›

High School Is Not the Time to Let Up on SEL

In elementary school, it’s common to have social and emotional lessons built into the curriculum, and the research shows that they have a strong, positive impact on student outcomes and school climate. But a 2019 survey of 15,000 K–12 teachers and 3,500 principals confirms what many probably suspect—that by the time kids reach high school, standalone SEL lessons are rare. Read more ›

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