Resources Tagged With: anxiety

Election Stress Getting To You? 4 Ways To Keep Calm

With Election Day just around the corner, many Americans are on edge. Nearly 70% of respondents said the elections are a significant source of stress, according to a survey out this month from the American Psychological Association. Read more ›

Coronavirus: The Possible Long-Term Mental Health Impacts

Covid-19 has increased anxiety for many of us, and experts warn a sizable minority could be left with mental health problems that outlast the pandemic. Read more ›

Coping with Constant Change & Uncertainty [presentation] [video]

It’s important to develop some coping strategies so that you can stay resilient during these anxiety-filled times. In this webinar, Patrice Crisostomo, PhD, Clinical Program Manager and Licensed Psychologist at CHC and Cara DiClemente, MA, Doctoral Psychology Intern at CHC relay some valuable strategies that you can use as you cope with the constant change and anxiety in your life right now. Read more ›

7 Tips to Manage Stress and Improve Your Quality of Life

As recent months have demonstrated, stress is unavoidable. Now more than ever, it’s important to understand stress and how we can manage it. While stress can be beneficial, too much of it can be harmful. Read more ›

Manage Stress and Build Resilience

It’s hard to avoid stress. Work, money, current events, and the hassles of everyday life are just a few of the things that can cause stress. Long-term, or chronic, stress is linked to several health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.

It’s important to learn how to manage stress so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Read more ›

Even When the Smoke Clears, Schools Find Student Trauma Can Linger

For some students, the fire is only the beginning. The nightmares, the grief and an all-consuming dread can persist for months or even years.

That’s what teachers and school employees have observed among students in California’s fire-ravaged areas, especially Sonoma and Butte counties, where deadly wildfires have struck repeatedly in recent years. Read more ›

Time to Ditch ‘Toxic Positivity,’ Experts Say: ‘It’s Okay Not to Be Okay’

These days it can feel as if reassuring platitudes are inescapable.

“Everything will be fine.”
“It could be worse.”
“Look on the bright side.”

But as well intentioned as those who lean on such phrases may be, experts are cautioning against going overboard with the “good vibes only” trend. Too much forced positivity is not just unhelpful, they say — it’s toxic. Read more ›

How to Help Young Children Sleep Better

Lynelle Schneeberg, a pediatric sleep psychologist and author of “Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach,” offers some tips and tricks from years of helping families and children get better sleep. Read more ›

CHC in the News: Mental Health Experts on Managing Back to School Anxiety Amid Pandemic [video]

Dr. Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Children’s Health Council, appeared on KTVU News to discuss strategies for coping with the anxiety and stress many families are experiencing as children head back to school remotely. Read more ›

Highly Sensitive Children Thrive in the Right Environment

Sensitive children are keen observers of the world, but tend to get overstimulated. They often live intense inner lives and are highly creative, but they are wary of new situations and of people they don’t know.

They also easily intuit the moods of others and feel their pain. This empathy draws their peers and sometimes even adults to confide in sensitive children. Later in life, they often go into helping professions like health care and counseling, where their natural gifts are put to good use. Read more ›

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