Resources Tagged With: anxiety

How Being Kind to Others Make You Feel Better

You know that being kind to others is good for the recipient (obviously), but did you know that it’s also good for the giver, too? Yep, that’s right. Being kind to others will improve your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Read more ›

The Future of Therapy?

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

I’ve lost count of the number of days we’ve been sheltering-in-place. I can barely keep track of what month it is. All I know is that this feels LONG. And isolating. And seemingly never-ending. Read more ›

Your ‘Doomscrolling’ Breeds Anxiety. Here’s How To Stop The Cycle

So many of us do it: You get into bed, turn off the lights, and look at your phone to check your news feeds one more time.

You incessantly scroll though bottomless doom-and-gloom news for hours as you sink into a pool of despair. Read more ›

Parenting in a Pandemic: Understanding Anxiety in Children & Teens [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

The coronavirus pandemic may trigger or exacerbate anxiety in children and teens. Dr.Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, licensed clinical pyschologist and Chief Clinical Officer at CHC, discusses how to recognize the signs of anxiety and provides strategies for helping your child or teen take control of their fears. Read more ›

These Mental Health Apps Are Geared Toward People Of Color

The Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) community has long dealt with systemic issues and stigmas that make accessing mental health resources difficult. In a current climate rife with increased racial trauma, creators of digital apps that support the emotional well-being of people of color are stepping up. Read more ›

Adolescent Bullying Basics

Bullying is a behavior that many of us have experienced in school or online, either as the person being bullied, the person engaging in the behavior, or as a witness. While bullying is far from new, it should not be considered a rite of passage for young people. Read more ›

The New Adolescence: Raising Happy and Successful Teens in an Age of Anxiety and Distraction

 The New Adolescence is a handbook for parents that offers road-tested, science-based solutions for raising happy, healthy, and successful teenagers. Read more ›

Anxiety Screening Recommended for All Females Ages 13 and Up

Young women ages 13 and up should be screened for anxiety at routine visits, according to a new Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) recommendation. Read more ›

Google Adds Anxiety Self-Assessment to Search

Google is partnering with grassroots organization the National Alliance on Mental Illness to provide access to more mental health resources, including a clinically validated anxiety self-assessment. Read more ›

How to Talk to Children About Difficult News

Children’s lives are touched by trauma on a regular basis, no matter how much parents or teachers try to keep the “bad things” away. Instead of shielding children from the dangers, violence or tragedies around us, adults should talk to kids about what is happening. Read more ›

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