Resources Tagged With: anxiety

UnderstandingDBTpartII 364

Understanding the Foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Part II [presentation]

Dr. Anna Parnes, PhD, psychologist and clinician, discusses DBT skills and experiential activities for each of DBT modules: Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion Regulation. Read more ›

teletherapy 362

The Psychiatrist Can See Your Child Now, Virtually

teletherapy 362With a growing shortage of mental-health professionals for children and adolescents, more health-care providers are turning to technology.

With a rising number of teens and adolescents suffering from depression and anxiety, and too few professionals to help, remote video consults are helping pediatricians fill the gap in some communities. Read more ›

2019_0112_PAUSD Teen Suicide 356

Teen Suicide: Understanding the Warning Signs [presentation]

Suicide is the 2nd most common cause of death among 10-24 year olds. In this presentation, Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services at CHC, discusses the warning signs, risk factors, protective factors, and treatment options. Learn what to look for and how you as a parent can help. Read more ›

2019_0112_PAUSD_Twice Exceptional 2e 355

Twice-Exceptionality (2e): What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter? [presentation]

CHC’s Vivien Keil, Ph.D., and Ann Smith, Executive Director of Gifted Support Center, define what it means to be twice exceptional — that is, both gifted and challenged by a learning difference.

The presenters also discuss the mental health needs of the twice exceptional child, support strategies and treatment options. Read more ›

DialecticalBehaviorTherapyPart I 349

Understanding the Foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Part I [presentation] [video]

Dr. Stephanie Clarke, Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, and clinician at RISE Comprehensive DBT Intensive Outpatient Program shares how DBT’s problem-solving and acceptance-based approaches are helping teens build lives worth living. Read more ›


How Teens Deal with Stress May Affect Their Long-Term Health

stress342Most teens get stressed out by their families from time to time, but whether they bottle those emotions up or put a positive spin on things may affect certain processes in the body, including blood pressure and how immune cells respond to bacterial invaders, according to Penn State researchers. Read more ›


Boys Need Better Access to Mental Health Care. Why Aren’t They Getting It?

depression340Mental health has become a crisis among America’s youth, and experts say the unique challenges and needs of young men are not receiving enough attention. Read more ›


How to Overcome Social Anxiety

socialanxiety333Fifteen million Americans suffer from a diagnosable form of social anxiety, and millions more suffer from less severe but related phobias. Anxiety can be debilitating for people when it starts to undermine their daily lives.

Ellen Hendriksen is a clinical psychologist, a researcher at Boston University’s Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, and she’s also the author of How to be Yourself, a new book about the rise of social anxiety in America. Read more ›


Should Childhood Trauma Be Treated As A Public Health Crisis?

childhoodtrauma327A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows how the effects of childhood trauma persist and are linked to mental illness and addiction in adulthood. And, researchers say, it suggests that it might be more effective to approach trauma as a public health crisis than to limit treatment to individuals. Read more ›

trauma classroom girl326

How to Build a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Where All Learners Feel Safe

trauma classroom girl326Patricia Jennings, associate professor at the University of Virginia and author of the new book The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom, says that childhood trauma can have severe immediate and long-term consequences for students’ cognitive, social and emotional development. Read more ›

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