Resources Tagged With: anxiety

Community Education

Helping Teens Cope with Anxiety [presentation]

Did you know that anxiety affects 25% of teens and 30% of teen girls? In this Community Education session, Annaleah Logan, PsyD. discusses the different forms of anxiety and their respective symptoms, the stressors that teens experience, causes of teen anxiety and depression, and coping strategies. Read more ›

Your Life Your Voice [web resource]

Your Life Your Voice is the website for the Boys Town National Hotline, a free resource established in 1989 for kids, ​teens, and young adults.  ​​​​​Counselors are available 24/7 and have a wide range of experiences working with kids and families who are frustrated, anxious, depressed, faced with an overwhelming challenge, or just need someone to talk to. Read more ›


Families for Depression Awareness [web resource]

Families for Depression Awarenessfamiliesfordepressionawareness helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder by offering education, training, and support to unite families and help them heal while coping with mood disorders. Read more ›


Ditch the Label [web resource]

ditchthelabelDitch the Label is an international  anti-bullying organization that provides support to young people aged 12-25, primarily through online partnerships. They also work with schools, colleges, parents/guardians, young people and other youth organizations.

According to Ditch the Label, statistically, 7 in 10 young people are bullied.  If you are being bullied, you absolutely are not alone.


Study: Kind Communities – A Bridge to Youth Mental Wellness

friendship-2156174_640The Born This Way Foundation commissioned a study through Benenson Strategy Group, who surveyed over 3,000 young people between the ages 15-24 and over 1,000 parents, asking questions about mental health and wellness.

The results of the study, “Kind Communities – A Bridge to Youth Mental Wellness”, will be used to raise awareness about mental health and well being and to provide people with helpful information that’s relevant to their own lives.  Read more ›

gh-logo [web resource] was created in 2002 by the Office on Women’s Health, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. is committed to empowering girls to create strong, positive relationships and happy, healthy futures by providing girls reliable, useful information on health and well-being. Read more ›


American Academy of Pediatrics [web resource]

healthykids_orgThe American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of  66​,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.​ In 2009, the AAP launched to provide parents with health information from a trustworthy source.
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PACER Center [web resource]

PACER Center is a non-profit parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth to young adults. Located in Minneapolis, it serves families across the nation.  Read more ›

standford medicine

Local Mental Health Resources for Asian Families [web resource]

Mental health is often not discussed in Asian cultures, and language can be a barrier to obtaining mental health services. The following are culturally sensitive local resources that offer help with  stress, anxiety, depression, suicide risk, substance abuse and other behavioral health issues. Read more ›

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