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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


6 Cognitive Distortions That Fuel Anxiety in ADHD Brains

Cognitive distortions are biased, irrational, and often automatic thoughts that trigger and amplify anxiety and negative thinking. These unhelpful thought patterns matter because our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all linked. When you view events, situations, and yourself through a Read more >>

Consent at Every Age

At its core, consent is an idea that many learn as early as preschool — the notion that we should respect one another’s boundaries, in order to be safe, preserve dignity, and build healthy relationships. For middle school or high Read more >>

10 Strategies to Talk with Teens About Sex

It’s important to make sure young people learn not only the correct facts about sexuality, but also how to make healthy and safer decisions about sex. Research shows that parents who talk openly about sexuality to their children have more Read more >>

Chronic Illness in Teens

Being a teen is stressful even for physically healthy teens. Chronic illness during adolescence can complicate development. The illness, treatment, hospitalization, and surgery (when necessary) all magnify concerns about a teen’s physical appearance. They also interfere with the process of Read more >>

Psychological Complications of Chronic Illness

When a child is first diagnosed with a chronic illness, all families experience some combination of shock, disbelief, anger, fear and worry. Children may ask, “Why me?” And parents will ask, “Why did this happen to my child?” These are Read more >>