Resources Tagged With: article

How to Help Your Child Learn Healthy Ways to Tolerate Frustration

As a parent, it’s crucial for you to have age-appropriate expectations for tolerating frustration. Children’s abilities develop over time, and younger children are likely to struggle more with frustration than older children. Read more ›

Gender-Diverse & Transgender Children

Some children have a gender identity that is different from their gender assigned at birth, and many have interests and hobbies that may align with the other gender. Research suggests that gender is something we are born with; it can’t be changed by any interventions. It is critically important that children feel loved and accepted for who they are. Read more ›

Children and Gender Identity: Supporting Your Child

If your child has questions about gender identity or gender expression, you probably have questions too. Find out what you can do to help and support your child. Read more ›

Book: The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes

Diane Ehrensaft, PhD, is a developmental and clinical psychologist who coined the term gender creative to describe children whose unique gender expression or sense of identity is not defined by a checkbox on their birth certificate. In her second book, The Gender Creative Child, Ehrensaft guides parents and professionals through the rapidly changing cultural, medical, and legal landscape of gender and identity. Read more ›

How To Support Your Child as They Explore Their Gender Identity

You think you’ve picked up some clues that your child is questioning their gender, but what’s the next step? Should you approach them? Wait for them to come to you? Read more ›

Distracted Students? Understanding These 3 Myths of Attention Span Can Help

How many times per day do you check your phone? According to Gloria Mark, psychologist and author of Attention Span, people swipe from screen to screen about 566 times per day, and about half of those switches are self-motivated, meaning they weren’t prompted by a notification. Read more ›

Understand How Teens Think

We want our children to make wise, well-reasoned decisions. Our desire to keep them safe drives our need to shape those decisions. How we talk to our tweens and teens can make the difference between whether they absorb our lessons or rebel against them.
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy: What Is It and Who Can It Help?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, focuses on teaching people skills to manage intense emotions, cope with challenging situations, and improve their relationships. It encourages people to learn and use mindfulness training in practical ways.

During individual and group sessions, therapists encourage a nonjudgmental attitude and emphasize acceptance, compassion, and other aspects of mindfulness. Read more ›

7 Strategies to Manage Appetite Loss While Taking Stimulant Medication for ADHD

By Alexa Wilmarth, CHC Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurse Practitioner

It’s no secret that the number one side effect impacting clients with ADHD who take stimulant medication is appetite loss. Most children and adults who take stimulant medication for the treatment of ADHD experience this side effect to one degree or another. Read more ›

Empowering Families: The Transformative Impact of SPACE Training for Children with Anxiety and OCD

by Amy DiLaura, CHC Marketing Manager

Parents of children with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) know that the path to improvement isn’t always a straight line. These issues can be challenging to manage, and often require a comprehensive approach involving therapy, support, and sometimes medication.

In addition to traditional patient-based therapy, sometimes families can benefit from SPACE (Supporting Parents for Anxious Childhood Emotions) training: an approach that focuses on teaching parents or caregivers how to support their children in managing anxiety-related behaviors. Read more ›

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