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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


Your Distracted Young Learner

by Cindy Lopez, Director of Community Engagement Is your child struggling with the same behavior challenges in school without making progress? Does he or she have ADHD-like symptoms? Read more >>

Fidgeting to Help Your Child

by Ali Boissevain, MS, OTR/L For children with sensory challenges, simply saying, “Stop fidgeting!” or “Keep your hands to yourself” is unlikely to help. Your child needs movement. The question is: How can you allow your child to move and Read more >>

Parenting a Child Who Feels Entitled

Your six-year-old says she needs a cell phone-just like her friend. Your sixteen-year-old son complains that his car is not as nice as everyone else’s (but shouldn’t he just be happy with a car? Should he even have a car?) Read more >>