Resources Tagged With: article

teen in car45

Parenting a Child Who Feels Entitled

teen in carYour six-year-old says she needs a cell phone-just like her friend. Your sixteen-year-old son complains that his car is not as nice as everyone else’s (but shouldn’t he just be happy with a car? Should he even have a car?) Even if you could afford these things, you wonder: Am I just trying to keep up with the Joneses? Does my child need these things? Is my child entitled to these things just because others have them?

Trying to raise a child in Silicon Valley can be tough-not only because of the academic pressures and the current economy, but because of the wide diversity of social pressures. Read more ›

Helping Your Child Deal with Traumatic Events

How are your children affected by stressful or traumatic events? What can you do to minimize their fears? How can you help a child who has experienced a traumatic event? Read more ›

7 Tips for Getting a Positive Start to the School Year

by Cindy Lopez, Educator and Director of Community Engagement, and Joan Baran, PhD, Licensed Psychologist

The first day of school can produce conflicting and confusing emotions for kids and parents. While some children or teens are excited for school to start, others feel anxiety or dread. School jitters range from anticipating the unknown to wondering about new friends, teachers, rules, classrooms and routines. At any age, help your child get a strong start with these tips. Read more ›

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