Resources Tagged With: article

Developmental Dyslexia Was Essential For Human Survival and Still Has Benefits Today

As the most common cause of spelling, reading, and writing difficulties, dyslexia affects about 15% to 20% of the population. It’s a learning difficulty that does not discriminate, as it affects the general population nearly equally, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic background. Read more ›

The Many Strengths of Dyslexics

Nothing affects your chances at succeeding in school like not having the skills to read, spell, and write. This is, unfortunately, what dyslexia is all about. It can be the one impediment to achieving one’s goals in work and life. But, what if we told you that being dyslexic can foster strengths that can help you excel?  Read more ›

Setting Students With ADHD Up for Success

Teachers often come to the classroom with an unclear understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and they are rarely provided with strategies that detail how to work with students who have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Nina Parrish, a special education teacher and tutor who coaches struggling students, many of who have ADHD, shares classroom strategies she has found to be effective. Read more ›

How (and Why) to Help Your ADHD Child Embrace Their Strengths

If your child has a diagnosis of ADHD, you may worry about how to guide them to become successful adults. Helping your child embrace their strengths now is key to boosting positive outcomes for the future. Read more ›

6 Strengths and Benefits of ADHD

People diagnosed with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks, an inability to control their impulses, and have hyperactive tendencies. However, there are numerous strengths and benefits that also come with the condition. Read more ›

I’m an Adult—How Do I Get Diagnosed With ADHD?

If you think you might have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) as an adult, here’s what you can do. Read more ›

Adult ADHD: Tips and Tools to Improve Your Memory

If you have ADHD, you may struggle to stay focused during conversations. Retaining information given auditorily is difficult for everyone, but especially difficult for someone with ADHD.

To help adults with ADHD pay attention and retain information from conversations or oral instructions, here are some strategies and resources. Read more ›

The Ability to Cope: Building Resilience for Yourself and Your Child [downloadable]

It is possible to build family strengths even while living under stressful conditions or during difficult times. The following are tips for fostering resilience — putting energy into even one of these activities each day can help you and your child. Read more ›

Resilience: Build Skills to Endure Hardship

Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult situations. When stress, adversity or trauma strikes, you still experience anger, grief and pain, but you’re able to keep functioning — both physically and psychologically. However, resilience isn’t about putting up with something difficult, being stoic or figuring it out on your own. In fact, being able to reach out to others for support is a key part of being resilient. Read more ›

How Social Media Affects Teens’ Mental Health

In this podcast from the American Psychological Association, Jacqueline Nesi, PhD, of Brown University, talks about the research on social media and teens’ mental health, whether it’s possible to be addicted to social media, what teens themselves think about social media, and what parents can do to help their kids use social media in a healthy way.
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