Resources Tagged With: article

College Programs Meet a Range of Needs for Students on the Spectrum

Each year, tens of thousands of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders graduate from high school, many with aspirations to attend college. Yet only about 100 colleges, most of them four-year institutions, have standalone programs for those students, according to an analysis by members of the College Autism Network. Read more ›

Debunking the Myths about Dyslexia

Dyslexia Help, an online resource produced by the University of Michigan, addresses some of the popular misconceptions and myths surrounding dyslexia and language-based learning disabilities. Read more ›

How Parents Can Make School Mental Health Days Work for Kids

In the past few years, some parents have received a new item to put into their child-rearing tool kits: the school mental health day. Since 2018, more than a dozen states have passed or proposed bills that would allow school districts to treat days missed for mental health issues the same way they treat absences for physical health issues. Read more ›

Sleep in Middle and High School Students

Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health and behavior problems. Learn how much sleep students need and how many are not getting it. Read more ›

Sleeping Less Than Nine Hours Could Affect Kids’ Memory and Mental Health

Elementary school-age kids who sleep less than the recommended number of hours per night exhibit differences in brain regions associated with memory, intelligence and well-being, according to a recent study. Read more ›

The Importance of Sleep for Kids’ Emotional Wellbeing

Unfortunately, too little sleep isn’t just a problem for adults. It’s also an increasing problem for our kids. While every child is different, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends 9 to 12 hours of sleep per night for younger kids and 8 to 10 hours for teens. Read more ›

4 Ways Classroom Design Impacts Executive Functioning

Good classroom design supports the acquisition of not only content skills but process skills. Executive functions are process skills that allow us to successfully complete tasks.

In any given classroom, there will be a wide range of students with a variety of executive functioning skill levels. Read more ›

Anxiety Disorders Are Common. Here’s What Everyone Should Know About Them

How common are anxiety disorders and are there some populations more at risk than others? What are some symptoms people may have? How often should anxiety screenings occur – and what do they entail? What treatments are available? Read more ›

7 Warning Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School

Something isn’t right; lately your child seems less than enthusiastic about school. They appear withdrawn and have started complaining about an upset stomach every Sunday evening. But are they struggling in school or could it be something else? Read more ›

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