5 Simple Tips to Improve Teen Sleep Habits
Teenagers may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, or insomnia, for many reasons. Disrupted sleep can negatively impact your teen’s mental and physical health. Read more >>
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5 Simple Tips to Improve Teen Sleep Habits
Teenagers may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, or insomnia, for many reasons. Disrupted sleep can negatively impact your teen’s mental and physical health. Read more >>
Sleep Problems in Your Teen: Care Instructions
Children in their teenage years may begin having problems sleeping. There is no “right” amount of sleep for teens. Each child’s needs are different. But some teens have sleep problems that keep them from getting the sleep they need. Read more >>
Assistive Technology Apps and Extensions for Struggling Students
Students with ADHD and learning disabilities may benefit significantly from assistive technology like the following apps, browser extensions, and tools. Read more >>
The Pros and Cons of Educational Labels
Educational labeling was first introduced as a way of meeting students’ needs. For instance, a child who was labeled as “gifted” might move up in the curriculum, while a child with dyslexia might need to slow down or even repeat Read more >>
Drop the Labels! Kids Shine When We Focus on Strengths
Are you familiar with labeling theory? Sociology buffs probably are. It proposes that people come to both identify and behave in ways reflecting the labels we place on them— Essentially, how we label people impacts their behavior. Read more >>
4 Easy Habits to Build Your Child’s Self Esteem with Your Words
Even if they don’t show it, even if they act like they don’t care, on some level our children believe everything we say about them. Why not leverage our children’s trust in what we say to empower them to become Read more >>
In our everyday lives, we place labels on many things, such as food, clothing, even people. We label people based on various social and biological features (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, race, occupation, appearance, etc.). While some labels are useful in Read more >>
10 Reasons Parents Should Stop Labeling Their Children
It’s tempting – and easy – to give children labels. At a very young age, they can seem very simple and predictable for us. Here are the reasons why it’s not a good parenting practice. Read more >>
Youth, Disclosure, and the Workplace Why, When, What, and How
Every job seeker with a disability is faced with the same decision: “Should I or shouldn’t I disclose my disability?” This decision may be framed differently depending upon whether you have a visible disability or a non-visible disability. Ultimately, the Read more >>
Disability Disclosure and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Deciding if, when, and how to share disability-related information with a prospective or current employer can be overwhelming. The decision-making process requires answering a number of personal questions that may be different with each employment experience. Read more >>
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Español: 650.688.3650
Fax: 650.688.3669
English: 650.668.3625 | Español: 650.688.3650 | careteam@chconline.org
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Español: 650.688.3650
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CHC South Bay: 2280 Kenwood Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 | 408.831.7512
CHC Ravenswood: 1765 E Bayshore Rd, East Palo Alto, CA 94303 | 650.702.2487
CHC Palo Alto:
650 Clark Way, Palo Alto, CA 94304
CHC South Bay:
2280 Kenwood Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128
CHC Ravenswood:
1765 E Bayshore Rd, East Palo Alto, CA 94303