Resources Tagged With: article

Stanford-Led Study Highlights the Importance of Letting Kids Take the Lead

Parents today often look for teachable moments – and opportunities abound. When reading a book with a child, for example, it might mean discussing story plots with him. If she isn’t allowed to play a videogame, it means explaining why. Read more ›

Ask the Expert: My Teenage Daughter Has No Friends

My 15-year-old is struggling to make friends. Well, she’s not struggling. My husband and I are struggling with the fact that my daughter has no friends. We don’t care that she’s not popular; we just don’t want her to be socially isolated. She says she has friends at school (to eat lunch with, walk to class with, etc.). But she rarely hangs out with friends outside of school. Thoughts? Read more ›

Opinion: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Is Helping Young People Find Purpose During the Pandemic

written by Vidya Krishnan, Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Children’s Health Council

During my nearly 15 years as an adolescent psychiatrist, I have worked with hundreds of young people and their families seeking a path to mental health through problem-solving, relationship and communication tools—and when appropriate—medication. But, until last year, I had not seen hopelessness so prevalent in young people. Read more ›

Talk About Mental Health: For Friends and Family Members

Anyone can experience mental health problems. Friends and family members can make all the difference in a person’s recovery process. Learn how to support your friends and loved ones with mental health problems. Read more ›

More California Schools Adding Yoga to School Day

To help students relax, some California schools are adding something new — that’s actually very old — to the daily routine: yoga.

The ancient practice of stretching and breathing, often combined with meditation and mindfulness, is increasingly popular in physical education classes and after-school programs for students of all ages. Teachers say it helps students cope with stress and build physical and mental strength, especially valuable skills as students return to campus after more than a year of remote learning. Read more ›

With a Diagnosis at Last, Black Women with ADHD Start Healing

Miché Aaron has always been a high achiever. The 29-year-old is in her third year of a planetary sciences doctoral program at Johns Hopkins University, where she researches minerals found on Mars. She’s a former NASA space grant scholar and hopes to become an astronaut one day.

But last year, Aaron was barely keeping it together — missing classes, late on assignments and struggling to explain that she understood the required material to pass her qualifying exams. Her academic adviser warned that if she didn’t get professional help she would flunk. Read more ›

Family Navigation Helps Reduce Disparities in Autism Diagnosis

Training community members to help families navigate obstacles to care increases the likelihood that children from low-income and minority groups will be assessed for autism by specialists, according to a new study. The approach could help reduce disparities in autism diagnosis and treatment. Read more ›

Cultivating Joy Takes Work: 3 Ways to Turn Happiness Into a Habit

Although some people are starting to test the waters of public life again, planning vacations and socializing more, others may still have lingering signs of what psychologists call languishing. They may feel an emptiness or dissatisfaction in day-to-day life. Or feel like they’re stuck in weariness or stagnation. Read more ›

‘Trauma Is A Lens, Not A Label’: How Schools Can Support All Students

The pandemic has raised concerns about the way stress is affecting kids. Even though the word ‘trauma’ is on a lot of worried adults’ minds these days, information about it is wide-ranging and can leave people feeling unsure about what to do next. Read more ›

Most States Struggling to Fulfill IDEA Requirements

More than half of states are falling behind in meeting their responsibilities to students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, federal officials say.

In an annual evaluation of each state’s special education performance, the U.S. Department of Education found that just 22 states qualified for the designation of “meets requirements” for the 2019-2020 school year for students ages 3 to 21. Read more ›

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