Resources Tagged With: article

In a Murky Sea of Mental Health Apps, Consumers Left Adrift

In the eyes of the tech industry, mental health treatment is an area ripe for disruption.

In any given year, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience a form of mental illness, according to federal estimates. And research indicates only about half of them receive treatment in a system that is understaffed and ill distributed to meet demand. Read more ›

ER Visits for Suspected Suicide Attempts Among Teenage Girls Rose During Pandemic

In the early months of 2021, visits to emergency departments for suspected suicide attempts increased roughly 50 percent for adolescent girls compared with the same period in 2019, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more ›

The Lost Girls: ‘Chaotic and Curious, Women With ADHD

When I was nine, my teacher told my parents I was all over the place. I already had the energy for five dance classes a week, netball, French lessons, piano lessons, a book club and school band. However, she thought I still didn’t have enough channels for my “creativity” and suggested they enroll me in drama school as well, so they did. Did it help me focus? Of course not.

Noelle Faulkner shares her experience as a women with ADHD. Read more ›

Verbal Jiujitsu, Disarming and Other Tips for Dealing With Microaggressions

Psychologist Derald Wing Sue calls microaggressions the “everyday slights, indignities, insults, putdowns and invalidations” that people from marginalized communities experience on a regular basis.

Whether and how we respond to a microaggression is situational, but we don’t have to passively let them happen to us or in front of us. There are ways, large and small, to push back and “signal to both the perpetrator and onlookers that this is unacceptable behavior,” Sue said. Read more ›

If Your Brain Feels Foggy And You’re Tired All The Time, You’re Not Alone

In recent weeks, Dr. Kali Cyrus has struggled with periods of exhaustion. Exhaustion is also one of the top complaints she hears from her patients these days. They say things like, “It’s just so hard to get out of bed” or “I’ve been misplacing things more often,” she says.

Mental health care providers around the U.S. are hearing similar complaints. And many providers, like Cyrus, are feeling it themselves. Read more ›

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind

In The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight, and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. Read more ›

$38M Set of Gifts From Ballmer Group to Address Behavioral Health Crisis

The University of Washington on Friday announced that the School of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and the Behavioral Health Institute at Harborview Medical Center are part of a transformational $38 million set of gifts from Ballmer Group to support a broad, collaborative response to the state’s behavioral health crisis. Read more ›

How to Foster Cultural Awareness at Home

Many minority households routinely have open discussions about racial issues and how they impact their daily lives. White families, on the other hand, sometimes are uncomfortable with such discussions even amid news coverage related to systemic racism and the Black Lives Matter movement. Johns Hopkins All Children’s pediatric neuropsychologist Sakina Butt, Psy.D., ABPP-CN, offers advice for parents in all families on how to encourage and foster these discussions. Read more ›

4 Tools to Help Kids Develop Empathy and Cultural Humility [web resource]

Humility is not necessarily about modesty or pretending to be less than you are. In fact, people who are humble often have a high sense of self-worth; it’s just that they can recognize their own strengths and limitations. Research about humility also suggests a strong connection between being humble and being generous.

But there’s a specific aspect of humility that’s especially relevant today: cultural humility. Read more ›

How To Practice Cultural Humility With Your Kids

As American families become increasingly diverse and complex in terms of race, ethnicity, immigrant status, socioeconomic circumstances, and family structures, it is imperative that we practice cultural humility – to move beyond simply being aware of or sensitive to people’s cultural differences, and actively work to identify and address systematic inequalities. Read more ›

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