Resources Tagged With: article

Helping Resistant Teens Into Treatment

It can be hard to get kids to agree to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. In fact this is a common stumbling block for many parents of teenagers struggling with anything from anxiety to ADHD, depression, or an eating disorder.  Adolescents need to want to get better, and be willing to work with someone to make that happen. For treatment to work kids need to buy into it, at least a little. Read more ›

What’s Your Middle Name?

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

My name is Ramsey Habib Khasho. I still wince when I say my middle name. (Sorry, Dad). The name harbors years of discrimination against me and my family, and the ensuing internalized shame. And then there’s the shame of feeling the shame, even after all this time. Read more ›

Study Shows Smartphone App Can Identify Autism Symptoms in Toddlers

A digital app successfully detected one of the telltale characteristics of autism in young children, suggesting the technology could one day become an inexpensive and scalable early screening tool, researchers at Duke University report. Read more ›

3 SEL Practices Teachers Can Use Every Day

Regardless of your teaching and learning situation (fully online, hybrid, or in person), we know that the intentional and explicit weaving of SEL into the fabric of our everyday learning and life is critical. Read more ›

Study: Later School Start Time Gave Small Boost to Grades But Big Boost to Sleep

The physical and mental health benefits of getting a good night’s sleep are indisputable. What’s less clear is whether starting school later in the morning will prompt kids to sleep more and consequently learn more during the school day.  Read more ›

4 Ways to Connect Better With Your Teen

Being a parent is hard. Being a parent to a teenager is even harder. A young adult shares how parents can connect better with their teenagers who seek a balance between disciplinarian and friend. Read more ›

How To Communicate With Your Teen Through Active Listening

While active listening can be a difficult skill to learn in any relationship, it’s particularly challenging when one party is meant to occupy the role of authority figure. Parents need to realize that engaging in active listening does not mean never giving teens much-needed advice or discipline — it simply means ensuring that the teen feels heard and understood during the process. Read more ›

Tips for Communicating With Your Teen

Having a healthy and trusting parent-child relationship during the teenage years is more important than ever. Staying close isn’t easy, though. Here are some tips for navigating the new terrain. Read more ›

7 Expert Tips for Talking with Teens

Who are you going to be with? Where are you going? When will you be home? The who, what, where, when, and whys we asked were the hallmarks of caring, active, involved parents. But the strategy didn’t work as well as hoped.
We need to build the kind of relationship where being honest makes sense. The way we listen, tells teens they are free to talk. Controlling our reactions, tells them they can talk without fear of being judged. Read more ›

Mental Health and Connection Are More Important Than Ever [downloadable]

Children’s Health Council is leading the emotional recovery with learning and mental health services for kids, teens, young adults and families. Our mission-minded experts are committed to transforming lives with courage, connection and compassion. CHC’s areas of excellence include learning differences, ADHD, anxiety and depression and autism. Read more ›

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