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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


How 3 School Systems Initiated Antiracist Practices

The growing acknowledgement of racial injustice and systemic racism is leading school districts, schools and individual teachers across the nation to examine and, in some cases, change their policies and approaches. Others, however, don’t know where to start or worry Read more >>

Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide [downloadable]

The U.S. Department of Education created a free Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide, a resource to help parents and guardians understand how digital tools can provide tailored learning opportunities, engage students with course materials, encourage creative expression, and enrich Read more >>

How to Manage a Hybrid Classroom

In a “hybrid” classroom model, some students attend remotely while others attend in-person. Hybrids come in all shapes and sizes — from weekly rotations to alternating half days to a more synchronous or “concurrent” model in which all students are Read more >>

Understanding Dyslexia

Children each learn and develop at their own pace, and reading is no different from other skill building. It’s common for kids to find reading challenging at one point or another. But if learning to read becomes an ongoing struggle Read more >>