Resources Tagged With: article

Back-to-School Blues 1: How to Set Up Your “Homeschool” (for Success)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Last year, on the first day of school, I could practically hear George Michael’s “Freedom” playing in my head; a welcome soundtrack as I bounded up the hill to a friend’s house for celebratory mimosas.

This year, after a summer of no camps, trips to grandma’s or childcare, Pink’s “Leave Me Alone” feels more apropos. I adore my kids with every ounce of my being but this togetherness is getting out of hand. Read more ›

Black Children Wait Longer For Autism Diagnosis

New research shows that it often takes three years and visits to multiple providers before Black children are diagnosed with autism, denying them a critical opportunity for therapy when it’s likely to be most effective. Read more ›

Time to Ditch ‘Toxic Positivity,’ Experts Say: ‘It’s Okay Not to Be Okay’

These days it can feel as if reassuring platitudes are inescapable.

“Everything will be fine.”
“It could be worse.”
“Look on the bright side.”

But as well intentioned as those who lean on such phrases may be, experts are cautioning against going overboard with the “good vibes only” trend. Too much forced positivity is not just unhelpful, they say — it’s toxic. Read more ›

How to Help Young Children Sleep Better

Lynelle Schneeberg, a pediatric sleep psychologist and author of “Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach,” offers some tips and tricks from years of helping families and children get better sleep. Read more ›

Books for Different Learners

Going back to school can be exciting, but it can also be scary. Kids with learning and thinking differences may have added concerns and issues with self-esteem. These back-to-school book picks from Understood‘s founding partner Reading Rockets can show them they are not alone. Read more ›

Supporting 2e Distance Learners Resource Kit [downloadable]

Check out this great new free resource about supporting twice exceptional (2e) learners! Resilience & Engagement for Every Learner (REEL) just launched the Teaching 2e: Supporting 2e Distance Learners Resource Kit for educators, with top tips, strategies for key challenges, and a series of in-depth blog posts. Read more ›

CHC in the News: Mental Health Experts on Managing Back to School Anxiety Amid Pandemic [video]

Dr. Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Children’s Health Council, appeared on KTVU News to discuss strategies for coping with the anxiety and stress many families are experiencing as children head back to school remotely. Read more ›

Highly Sensitive Children Thrive in the Right Environment

Sensitive children are keen observers of the world, but tend to get overstimulated. They often live intense inner lives and are highly creative, but they are wary of new situations and of people they don’t know.

They also easily intuit the moods of others and feel their pain. This empathy draws their peers and sometimes even adults to confide in sensitive children. Later in life, they often go into helping professions like health care and counseling, where their natural gifts are put to good use. Read more ›

Not Sure What You’re Feeling? Journaling Can Help

Expressive writing is associated with improvements in physical health, improvements in markers of mental health, and improvements in immune function. It’s also been shown to improve working memory in college students, says James Pennebaker, a professor of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Read more ›

Showing Up For Yourself

Prioritizing your needs is important, Rachel Wilkerson Miller says, but it’s often easier said than done. “Most people think that is true for everybody who is not them. And they sort of think that they’re the exception to the rule.”

Miller is the author of The Art of Showing Up: How to Be There for Yourself and Your People, a new book in which she stresses that you can’t fully show up for the people in your life until you know how to do the same for yourself. Read more ›

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