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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


Supporting Learning Differences

In 2014, more than 6.5 million children in the United States between the ages of 3 and 21 received special education services. On this episode of School’s In hosted by GSE Dean Dan Schwartz and Senior Lecturer Denise Pope, Elizabeth Read more >>

Sleep Deprived Teens — What Can Be Done?

Animals have evolved to adapt to their environment in many ways, but one thing hasn’t changed: They all need sleep to survive, says Rafael Pelayo, a clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences Read more >>

Occupational Therapy: What You Need to Know

Occupational therapy, or OT, can help people of all ages do the activities of daily living (ADLs) they struggle to do. Occupational therapy for children can lead to big benefits, especially for kids with learning and attention issues. Read more >>