Resources Tagged With: behavior management

What is Parent Coaching?

by Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Clinical Director and Licensed Psychologist at CHC

Let’s face it: parenting is hard. As a parent or caregiver, your goal is to raise your children to be healthy, happy, successful adults, but the road to get there is filled with twists and turns. It’s hard to know if you are making the right choices along the way, and the path may look different for each child. Read more ›

The Autism/ADHD Podcast [web resource]

Children with ADHD and Autism often require a different approach. In the Autism/ADHD podcast series, behavior expert Holly Blanc Moses shares her strategies to help children diagnosed with autism and ADHD effectively improve their behavior, emotional health, social skills, and academic performance. Read more ›

School Culture and Bullying

Bullying in the classroom can have grave consequences for students, especially as they build effective social and emotional skills amid the disruption caused by the pandemic. While administrators must take responsibility for creating a school environment that is safe and welcoming, educators can promote a strong classroom culture through responsive and warm interactions with students. Read more ›

Parenting: Weathering the Storm

Parenting is really an art — of balancing being there with letting go. Can your children navigate the world on their own? Will they ever stop needing you and will you ever stop worrying about them? Read more ›

Schools Confront a Wave of Student Misbehavior, Driven by Months of Remote Learning

School districts across the U.S. say they are seeing a surge of student misbehavior in the return to in-person learning, after months of closures and disruptions due to the pandemic.

Schools have seen an increase in both minor incidents, like students talking in class, and more serious issues, such as fights and gun possession. Read more ›

When Young Children Are Anxious

Young children typically experience some degree of fear — of separation, the dark, strangers, loud noises and new experiences. But how do we know when it’s something more and prevent these fears from interfering with our children’s daily lives? Read more ›

What Does Childhood Anxiety Look Like? Probably Not What You Think.

The good news in all of this is that child anxiety is very treatable, especially with early intervention. Read more ›

6 Types of Anxiety that Can Affect Children

There are many types of anxiety disorders, but the following are the disorders most common anxiety disorders experienced by children. Read more ›

Positive Parenting: Adjust Your Parenting Strategies for Kids With ADHD

Your child’s bad behavior is not personal. Make ADHD the enemy; not your child. Catch your child being good every day. Stop blaming others. And other rules for parenting a child with ADD that every family needs to hear.

To ensure that your child is happy and well-adjusted now and in the future — and to create a tranquil home environment — you’ve got to be a great parent to a child with ADHD. Here’s what works, and why. Read more ›

Parent Training in Behavior Management for ADHD

Behavior therapy is an effective treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that can improve a child’s behavior, self-control, and self-esteem. It is most effective in young children when it is delivered by parents. Experts recommend that healthcare providers refer parents of children younger than 12 years old for training in behavior therapy. Read more ›

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