Resources Tagged With: behavior management

Setting up Distance Learning for Behavioral Success

Distance learning is hard, even for kids without emotional or behavioral challenges. Not to mention the strain on parents working remotely while trying to support their child’s at-home education. We sat down with behavioral expert Jody Miller, MEd, BCBA, to hear her best strategies for promoting and positively reinforcing good behavior, as well as what steps to take when your child is struggling. Read more ›

Parenting with C.A.L.M.

Parenting a teen is filled with challenges and joys.  In this podcast, Dr. Joan Baran, Clinical Director at CHC, discusses parenting with C.A.L.M. – an adaptable technique you can use today! Read more ›

Learning Challenges, Behavior & Distance Learning [presentation] [video]

Adding distance to learning has created yet another barrier to learning for students with learning differences. Sometimes we see behavioral issues arise. Students become more frustrated because they are not able to keep up, or they need even more time to process. Learn more about understanding behavior and strategies to support your child during this challenging time. Read more ›

The Future of Therapy?

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

I’ve lost count of the number of days we’ve been sheltering-in-place. I can barely keep track of what month it is. All I know is that this feels LONG. And isolating. And seemingly never-ending. Read more ›

Parenting Your Young Child During Shelter in Place, Part 2 [presentation] [video]

This is Part 2 of a webinar especially for parents of young children (pre-K through 2nd grade). With Shelter in Place, we know it can be tricky to support your young child – to manage their learning, help them cope with the anxiety they feel, and respond to challenging behavior.   Read more ›

Parenting Your Young Child during Shelter in Place [presentation] [video]

This webinar is especially for parents of young children (pre-K through 2nd grade).  With Shelter in Place, we know it can be tricky to support your young child – to manage their learning, help them cope with the anxiety they feel, and respond to challenging behavior. Read more ›

Responding to Your Child’s Challenging Behavior [presentation] [video]

What do you do when your child’s behavior leaves you feeling frustrated and powerless to respond in a positive way? Sometimes you don’t know the best way to respond to your child’s behavior, whether it’s slamming the door, a blowout, withdrawal, arguing and just plain defiance. Learn about some effective strategies you can use to respond to your child’s challenging behavior. Read more ›

Managing Stress with Mindfulness Strategies [presentation] [video]

Our kids are confronted with demands, full schedules, social pressures and even world events that result in stress. All children respond to stress in different ways – some responses are more productive than others. Discover how you can help your kids develop habits and responses that reduce their worries with mindfulness strategies. Read more ›

ADHD During Shelter-In-Place: How to Survive and Thrive [video] [downloadable]

In this webinar, Dr. Edward Hallowell, one of the world’s experts on ADHD, spoke about how the key supports for ADHD: therapy, medication, coaching, structure, physical exercise, and connection, are even more important during this difficult period. Read more ›

CHC in the News: Addressing Children’s Negative Behavior During the COVID-19 Health Crisis [video]

CHC_logo_colorwebDr. Ramsey Khasho, chief clinical officer at Children’s Health Council, appeared on KTVU News to discuss how parents can address children’s negative behavior during the COVID-19 health crisis. Read more ›

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