Resources Tagged With: behavior


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Is It ADHD, Anxiety, or Both? Teasing Apart Overlapping Behaviors [presentation] [video]

Elliott_Harris_ADHDAnxietyorBothIn this workshop, Dr. Glen Elliott, CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director and Christopher Harris, MEd, Director of Esther B. Clark School, focus on how behaviors associated with ADHD and anxiety may both occur in the same individual but also can mimic each other, leading to confusion about the best diagnosis and the best treatment approach. Read more ›

Community Education

Responding to Your Teen’s Challenging Behavior [presentation] [video]

Does your child talk back and ‘push your buttons?’ Kendra Evans Fraka, MSW, presents some effective responses to behavioral challenges in your teen. Read more ›

child dandelion84

Positive Things You Should Be Saying to Your Child

child dandelion84There are days (okay, maybe a lot of days) where we feel like we’re constantly saying “don’t” and “no.” It’s our job as parents to set and enforce boundaries and to keep our children safe. Our children also need to hear us say things will make them feel good about themselves— things that can lift their spirits and sustain them in good times and bad. Read more ›

Community Education

Encouraging Positive Classroom Behavior [presentation] [video]

Are there students in your classroom that tend to act out and disrupt the entire class?

Teaching behavioral expectations and providing rewards is a much more positive way to manage behavior in the classroom—much better than waiting for the misbehavior to occur and then providing consequences. Read more ›


Modeling Assertiveness with Students

assertiveboy63Assertive communication is a hard skill to learn. Our culture tends to reward aggression. Putdowns are framed as humor in cartoons and sitcoms, and the internet can be a platform for bullying. It’s hard to find examples of assertiveness in the public sphere.

What does assertive communication look like and sound like in real life? How can we resist the pull of aggressive or passive choices, which may be easier in the moment but don’t solve our problems in the long run? How can we get our needs met without hurting others? Read more ›

Community Education

Executive Functioning Skills in Elementary School [presentation] [video]

Does your child takes forever to get dressed, always lose her homework, or not seem to be able to complete a task? Your child probably has Executive Function challenges.

In this session, Jude Wolf, Ed.D., Director of the Center for Learning Success Kehillah Jewish High School in Palo Alto, discusses the ways in which you can help your elementary school child develop some important Executive Function skills. Read more ›

Community Education

Strategies to Support Anxious Kids in the Classroom [presentation] [video]

In this session for educators, Monique Gonzalez and Gabrielle Bernal present some strategies you can use in your own classroom to support your anxious students so that they can be more successful at school. Read more ›

Community Education

Strategies for Parents of Kids with ADHD [presentation] [video]

Community EducationIn this Community Education session, neuropsychologist Christina Young discusses the challenges of raising and child with ADHD and offers practical strategies you use that can make a big difference for your child. Read more ›


How to Teach Frustration Tolerance to Kids

m_frustratedMany young children struggle with frustration tolerance. Anger and frustration are powerful emotions, and children’s reactions can be intense in the moment. As adults, we know when our anger buttons are pushed. We know what we need to do to work through something frustrating in an appropriate manner. Kids, however, don’t enter this world with a pocket full of frustration management skills. Read more ›

Community Education

Tantrums, Tears and Tempers—Managing Your Young Child’ s Behavior [presentation]

In this class, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Marcela Molina and Doctoral Psychology Intern Brittany Matheson review the ABCs of behavior and provide an overview of strategies for managing behavior with your young child.
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