Resources Tagged With: behavior

Parenting a Child With ADHD? The Secret to No-Shout, No-Tears Discipline

Spanking and yelling don’t help kids with ADHD learn better behavior — in fact, harsh punishment can lead them to act out more in the future. Try these calm, collected ways to deal with discipline instead.

As challenging as it sometimes is to do, taking a positive approach can be more effective in teaching your child to act her best. Read more ›

Behavior Strategies – What You Need to Know

Whether your child just doesn’t want to go to bed at night, or is defiant to anything and everything, Dr. Jody Miller, Head of Esther B. Clark Schools at CHC and Board Certified Behavior Analyst, has seen it all. In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, Dr. Miller shares her top three go-to strategies for challenging behavior. Read more ›

How to Create an Effective Behavior Management Plan

Whether your child has been hitting someone at school lately or they have been refusing to brush their teeth, you need a solid plan to address behavior problems. A good behavior management plan will ensure that you and all of your child’s other caregivers respond to behavior problems in a consistent manner. Read more ›

ABC’s of Behavior Management at Home

Kids’ difficult behavior can be a huge challenge for parents. But by using techniques from behavioral therapy, parents can change the way kids react to the things that set them off. Read more ›

Reduce Challenging Behavior in Young Children [downloadable]

The Backpack Connection Series is a collection of tip sheets created to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Read more ›

Stress and Short Tempers: Schools Struggle with Behavior as Students Return

A month into school, Chicago social worker Alyssa Rodriguez says she underestimated the challenge ahead. Student behavior referrals are up, as middle schoolers hurt each others’ feelings with comments they’d usually only be bold enough to say online.

Schools across the country say they’re seeing an uptick in disruptive behaviors. Read more › [web resource] is non profit organization that creates educational, training, and clinical care materials and programs designed for use in schools and care settings to promote mental health literacy, clinical care capacity, self-care and psychoeducation, and evaluation of existing programs and interventions.

Mental health information (products and training programs) are designed to address the needs of youth ages 12 to 25 years, families, educators, health providers, policy makers and others. Read more ›

Integrating Music Into Social and Emotional Learning

Music classes can serve as a way to help students develop social-emotional learning skills, and activities that build these tools can be introduced into classrooms as early as preschool, according to an Edutopia article by Laura Petillo, early childhood advocate and music educator at the Basie Center for the Arts, and Dr. Kerry Carley Rizzuto, associate professor of early childhood education at Monmouth University. Read more ›

DBT: One Parent’s Journey

Currently, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the only well-established, evidence-based treatment for self-harming adolescents at high risk for suicide. In this podcast episode, hear one mom’s brave story of helping her teenage daughter through panic attacks, PTSD and self-harming behaviors using DBT skills like mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness and communication, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance. Read more ›

Concerned About Your Child’s Learning?

After nearly a year of remote learning, parents have a window into their child’s learning style like never before. As a parent, you may have observed some behaviors that make you wonder: does my child have a learning or attention difference or is it just Zoom-fatigue?

We sat down with Chris Harris, MEd, an expert in learning, social-emotional, behavioral and attention challenges, to find out. Read more ›

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