Resources Tagged With: CHC

Gender and Sexuality for the Modern Parent [presentation] [video]

Still stuck in the dinosaur age when thinking and talking about gender, sexuality and identity? Much has changed in our understanding of these concepts. Learn how you can be an ally and advocate for all youth as they navigate their path towards self-identity and independence. Read more ›

Talking With Kids About Violence

Almost every day it seems that we are exposed to various acts of violence — school shootings, war, terrorism and more. As a result, our kids can end up feeling confused, frightened and unsafe. How can we validate those feelings while providing comfort to our kids? How do we encourage them to ask questions, even if we may not have all the answers? Should we wait until they come to us or bring it up ourselves? Read more ›

Suicide Prevention

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we continue our coverage of this complex topic in our Voices of Compassion podcast series with a brand new episode. Read more ›

What New Study Findings Tell Us About Serotonin, Depression and SSRIs: A Chief Psychiatrist’s Take

by Vidya Krishnan, MD, Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services, CHC

Approximately 280 million people around the globe have depression, according to a report from the World Health Organization. The personal, familial, and societal effects of this condition are profound. Especially considering that depression, at its worst, can lead to suicide. Read more ›

Isolation & Loneliness

Nearly half of Americans report feeling left out or alone, and over two-thirds of teens report being lonely. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity. But did you know that even just one friend can be enough? Read more ›

When a Child Won’t Go to School

School avoidance has become a major issue, exacerbated by long periods of distance learning and isolation. What causes school avoidance? How does it show up in kids and how can parents effectively support their children in getting back to the classroom? Read more ›

What is Parent Coaching?

by Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Clinical Director and Licensed Psychologist at CHC

Let’s face it: parenting is hard. As a parent or caregiver, your goal is to raise your children to be healthy, happy, successful adults, but the road to get there is filled with twists and turns. It’s hard to know if you are making the right choices along the way, and the path may look different for each child. Read more ›

Back to School: Balancing Academic and Social-Emotional Wellness

Social-emotional health is fundamental to life and learning: in fact, research shows that it is a greater predictor of academic success than IQ. As our kids head back to school, we are mindful of what they have been through in the past few years and the youth mental health crisis in our midst. Read more ›

Self-Care Summer

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Remember when childhood summers looked like long, unscripted days of play with whichever neighborhood kids you happened to run into, riding bikes and climbing trees and not coming home until the street lights flickered on? If we were fortunate enough to go to camp, it probably entailed swimming, crafts and capture the flag, not STEM, VR and scratch coding. Read more ›

DBT-Informed Treatment and Comprehensive DBT: A Comparison

Written by Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Clinical Director and Licensed Psychologist, CHC Clinical Services  and Patrice Crisostomo, PhD, Clinical Program Manager and Licensed Psychologist, CHC Clinical Services

Suicide rates among ages 10-24, while stable from 2000 to 2007, jumped nearly 60 percent by 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By 2019, 1 in 5 youths had contemplated attempting suicide. Read more ›

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